Time to make Trial 2 into a client/server.  Well, I may be abusing the
context of the phrase, but that's what we're doing.  We're going to turn
AG02 (the List member API) into a service program.  This will provide (for
now) the single service of filling an array with list member information.
The client will be AG03, our "mainline" or controlling code.

Rather than re-use AG02 and 03, I'll copy AG02 into AG04, and copy AG03 into
AG05.  This'll give me some new source members so I can leave the existing
code as-is for comparison purposes.

First, the service program, AG04.  Converting this isn't much work really.
We need to make a prototype, a procedure interface and some binder source.

The PR:
 * Return a single page of member name/text
 * from specified source file
d getMbrList      pr
d inpFile                       10    value
d inpLib                        10    value
d outMbrArray                   60    dim(10)

I put this in a source member in QPROTOSRC so all my prototypes are in one
place.  That makes it easier to search for them - sort of a
poor-programmer's library.  I call it AG04.  That way it's easy to tell what
prototype goes with what source member and which service program.

The PI:
     p getMbrList      b                   export
     d getMbrList      pi
     d inpFile                       10    value
     d inpLib                        10    value
     d outMbrArray                   60    dim(10)

This goes in right after the 'dbgview(*list)' comment line.  You'll need to
drop a
'     p                 e' line at the very end of the source member in
order to complete the procedure definition.

The last change is to remove the *ENTRY PLIST section.  It's being replaced
by our PR.

The binder source is used to explicitly tell what we intend to make public
for this version of the code (there will be future versions, and we don't
want to re-compile clients that only need this primitive functionality.)  I
put the binder source in QSRVSRC and call it AG04.  Same name as everything
else.  I'm not bright enough to remember a complex naming scheme so I make
everything the same!


To make it easy on everybody still interested, here's the complete RPG IV
source for AG04:
      * Get an array of members using the list member API

     h nomain
     h debug option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio)
      * crtmod dbgview(*list)


     d/copy qprotosrc,ag04

     p getMbrList      b                   export
     d getMbrList      pi
     d inpFile                       10    value
     d inpLib                        10    value
     d outMbrArray                   60    dim(10)

     d* These "D" specs were copied from the IBM library QSYSINC
     d* and then modified

     D*Type Definition for the Input Parameter Section of the user
     D*space in the QUSLMBR API.
     DQUSQLI00         DS
Qdb Ldbm Input
     D QUSSPACE00              1     10
     D QUSULIB00              11     20
Userspace Library
     D SPC                     1     20
     D QUSFN03                21     28
Format Name
     D QUSFILN00              29     38
File Name
     D QUSFILLN00             39     48
File Library Name
     D QUSMN                  49     58
Member Name
     D QUSRRIDE00             59     59
     D*Type Definition for the MBRL0200 format of the userspace in the
     DQUSL0200         DS
Qdb Ldbm MBRL0200
     D QUSMN01                 1     10
Member Name
     D QUSST                  11     20
Source Type
     D QUSCDT                 21     33
Creation Date Time
     D QUSLSDT                34     46
Last Source Date Tim
     D QUSMD                  47     96
Member Description
     D QUSCCSID05             97    100i 0
Member Description C

      * Generic header
     d GENHDR          DS                  INZ
     d  USRARA                 1     64
     d  SIZGEN                65     68i 0
     d  RLSLVL                69     72
     d  UFMTNM                73     80
     d  APIUSE                81     90
     d  DATTIM                91    103
     d  INFSTS               104    104
     d  SIZUSE               105    108i 0
     d  OFFINP               109    112i 0
     d  SIZINP               113    116i 0
     d  OFFHDR               117    120i 0
     d  SIZHDR               121    124i 0
     d  OFFLST               125    128i 0
     d  SIZLST               129    132i 0
     d  NUMLST               133    136i 0
     d  SIZENT               137    140i 0

     d* Error code
     d ERRRTC          ds                  INZ
     d  ERRSIZ                 1      4i 0 Inz(%size(ERRRTC))
     d  ERRAVL                 5      8i 0
     d  ERRID                  9     15

     d SSTART          s             10i 0
     d SLEN            s             10i 0
     d qualFile        s             20
     d i               s             10i 0

     c* Name of space to hold list
     c                   MOVEL(P)  'QUSLMBR '    QUSSPACE00
     c                   MOVEL(P)  'QTEMP'       QUSULIB00
     c* Create user space to hold list
     c                   CALL      'QUSCRTUS'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM      *BLANKS       SPCATR           10
     c                   PARM      100000        SPCSZE           10 0
     c                   PARM      x'00'         SPCINT            1
     c                   PARM      '*ALL    '    SPCAUR           10
     c                   PARM      *BLANKS       SPCTXT           50
     c                   PARM      '*YES    '    SPCRPL           10
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

     c* Set up parms for spooled file list API
     c                   eval      QUSFN03    = 'MBRL0200'
     c                   eval      qualFile   = inpFile + inpLib
     c                   eval      QUSMN      = '*ALL'
     c                   eval      QUSRRIDE00 = '0'

     c* Put the list into the space
     c                   CALL      'QUSLMBR'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM                    QUSFN03
     c                   PARM                    QualFile
     c                   PARM                    QUSMN
     c                   PARM                    QUSRRIDE00
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

     c* Determine how many entries,
     c*           where they begin
     c*           by examining the generic header
     c                   Z-ADD     1             SSTART
     c                   Eval      SLEN=%size(GENHDR)
     c                   CALL      'QUSRTVUS'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM                    SSTART
     c                   PARM                    SLEN
     c                   PARM                    GENHDR
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

      * Did the list fit in the space?  (list complete)
     c                   if        INFSTS <> 'C'
     c     'Not complete'Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   endif

     c* Working offset will be changed in the loop, but for the start, point
to the list and
     c* retrieve "list entry size" bytes
     c     OFFLST        ADD       1             SSTART
     c                   eval      slen = SIZENT

      * Did the API return more data than my structure can hold?
      * maybe the API returns more information in this release...
     c                   if        SIZENT > %size(QUSL0200)
     c     'API struc'   Dump
     c                   endif

     c* Extract list from user space 1 at a time
     c                   DO        NUMLST        i
     c                   CALL      'QUSRTVUS'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM                    SSTART
     c                   PARM                    SLEN
     c                   PARM                    QUSL0200
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

      * Load as far as the array and no farther
     c                   if        i <= %elem(outMbrArray)
     c                   movel     QUSMN01       outMbrArray(i)
     c                   move      QUSMD         outMbrArray(i)
     c                   else
     c                   leave
     c                   endif

     c* Next entry
     c                   ADD       SIZENT        SSTART
     c                   ENDDO

     c     EndofPgm      Tag
     c                   return
     p                 e

Compile this with PDM option 15 - CRTRPGMOD.  Then create the service
program with CRTSRVPGM ACTGRP('QILE').  Because I have a bad memory, I put
special compiler options and the lot in comment lines after my
H-specifications.  Then I can use the Windows copy/paste commands to put
them on the command line.  So when taking PDM option 15, I paste
'dbgview(*list)' on the command line before I press Enter.  This means I
don't have to prompt the command and try to locate the right panel to make
the change on.  It works best when I'm re-compiling several modules at the
same time.

That's our service program.  It has one function that the outside world can
use: getMbrList.  When I say 'outside world', I mean code outside of the
service program.  We'll add more functions later.

Now for the client; the mainline code (Has ANYBODY got a better name for
AG05 needs a copy of the prototype (the compiler is strongly typed, so it
wants to know the specifics of the parameter list to make sure we're using
the procedure right.)  Because the prototype is in a /COPY member, referring
to it is as easy as
     d/copy qprotosrc,ag04
before the D-specifications.

In the loadSfl subroutine, we need to replace the CALL/PARM with
     c                   callp     getMbrList(wname: wlib: array)

For convenience, here is the complete source for AG05:
      * Work with a single page of source members

     h debug option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio)
      * crtrpgmod ag05 dbgview(*list)
      * crtpgm ag05 bndsrvpgm(*libl/ag04) dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(QILE)

     fag03      cf   e             workstn
     f                                     SFILE(mbrsfl:dspRRN)

      * get the prototype definitions for member service program
     d/copy qprotosrc,ag04

     d dspRRN          s              4s 0
     d array           s             60    dim(10)
     d i               s             10i 0

     d                sds
     d tmname                244    253

      * initial display
     c                   seton                                        42
     c                   setoff                                       41
     c                   setoff                                       30
     c                   exfmt     mbrctl

      * continue to display
     c                   dow       *in03 = *off
     c                   exsr      loadSfl

     c                   exfmt     mbrctl

      * see what option was chosen
     c                   if        *in41 = *on
     c                   do        10            dspRRN
     c     dspRRN        chain     mbrsfl
     c                   if        %found

     c                   select
     c                   when      wopt = 'P'
     c                   call(e)   'AG01CL'
     c                   parm                    wname
     c                   parm                    wlib
     c                   parm                    wmbr
     c                   endsl

     c                   eval      wopt = *blank
     c                   update    mbrsfl
     c                   endif

     c                   enddo
     c                   endif

     c                   exfmt     mbrctl
     c                   enddo
     c                   seton                                        lr

     c     loadSfl       begsr
      * clear the existing page
     c                   setoff                                       42
     c                   seton                                        40
     c                   write     mbrctl
     c                   setoff                                       40
     c                   setoff                                       41
     c                   seton                                        42
     c                   eval      dspRRN = 0

      * get the list
     c                   callp     getMbrList(wname: wlib: array)

      * load a single page - artificially stupid to make the code simple
     c                   do        10            i
     c                   eval      dspRRN = dspRRN + 1
     c                   movel     array(i)      wmbr
     c                   move      array(i)      wtext
     c                   write     mbrsfl
     c                   seton                                        41
     c                   enddo
     c                   endsr

Compile this with PDM option 15 and then create the program with CRTPGM ag05
bndsrvpgm(*libl/ag04) dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(QILE).  This will create a
program object that will refer to the service program AG04.  When you CALL
AG05 for the first time, not only will AG05 activate, but AG04 will, too.
All of the storage for AG04 and 05 will get initialised, default file opens
will occur, etc.  Should I detail that 'etc.' or has everyone read the ILE
Concepts manual?  It's at
tm#ToC or http://makeashorterlink.com/?Y3165148  Activation is discussed in
Chapter 3.

The client (AG05) and service program (AG04) both run in AG('QILE').  This
means that no matter how many times you call them during the say, they will
be activated just once; initialised just once, etc.  Unless you issue a
RCLACTGEP('QILE').  Since you know the name of the AG, you can clean up just
this one AG and leave others (like GL or AP) intact for this job.  Something
to think about: Does this application need shared storage/overrides or will
it run correctly (produce the proper output) if it didn't?  If AG04 ran in a
different AG than AG05, would it make a difference in terms of the output of
AG05?  Test your assumptions by re-creating them to run in separate AGs.

I'll give you a chance to get these two compiled and tested (CALL AG05)
before posting the next bit; Trial 3, in which AG05 becomes *NEW and AG04
becomes *CALLER.


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