I often get this error if I call from the command line and pass the IFS file
as a parameter but forget to include the full parameter length padded with
trailing blanks. The file name used in the pgm ends up being padded with the
next parameter or rubbish. I've also done the same thing when creating the
file name from within a program. The other oversight I sometimes make is to
forget to code a leading '/' when creating the name.


-----Original Message-----
From: rob@dekko.com [mailto:rob@dekko.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 10:09 AM
To: rpg400-l@midrange.com
Subject: RE: ifs api's

This is a multipart message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I know that some consider it a security breach - relying on security by
obscurity, but I think you get a different error if you do not have
access.  Like 3401 - Permission denied.

But, this test user profile, ROB,  has *ALLOBJ.

And option 9 on WRKLNK shows:

              Data     --Object Authorities--
User        Authority  Exist  Mgt  Alter  Ref
ROB         *RWX         X     X     X     X

-------------Data Authorities-------------
Objopr  Read  Add  Update  Delete  Execute
  X      X     X     X       X        X

Good idea though.

Rob Berendt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

Peter Connell <Peter.Connell@baycorpadvantage.com>
Sent by: rpg400-l-admin@midrange.com
04/15/2002 04:18 PM
Please respond to rpg400-l

        To:     "'rpg400-l@midrange.com'" <rpg400-l@midrange.com>
        Fax to:
        Subject:        RE: ifs api's

Are you certain that the user accesing the file has the explicit
required to read the file despite possibly being the owner.

-----Original Message-----
From: rob@dekko.com [mailto:rob@dekko.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 9:00 AM
To: rpg400-l@midrange.com
Subject: ifs api's

This is a multipart message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I've read Scott's example at:

And I've read the Redbook 'Who knew...' for handling the errno part.

I have a file which shows up with
wrklnk '/rob/spool2.txt'

However, my command
STATTEST FILENAME('/rob/spool2.txt')

Results in:
DSPLY  3025No such path or directory.

File attributes:
Object . . . . . . :   /rob/spool2.txt

Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   STMF

Owner  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   ROB
System object is on  . . . . . . . . . :   Local
Auxiliary storage pool . . . . . . . . :   1
  Object overflowed  . . . . . . . . . :   No

Coded character set ID . . . . . . . . :   37
Hidden file  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   No
PC system file . . . . . . . . . . . . :   No
Read only  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   No

Need to archive (PC) . . . . . . . . . :   Yes
Need to archive (AS/400) . . . . . . . :   No
Last access date/time  . . . . . . . . :   01/07/02  17:50:5
Data change date/time  . . . . . . . . :   06/01/01  15:08:5
Attribute change date/time . . . . . . :   10/21/01  11:11:5

Size of object data in bytes . . . . . :   2926
Allocated size of object . . . . . . . :   8192
File format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *TYPE2
Size of extended attributes  . . . . . :   0
Storage freed  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   No

Auditing value . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE

Object domain  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *SYSTEM

Number of hard links . . . . . . . . . :   1
Last used date . . . . . . . . . . . . :   01/07/02
Days used count  . . . . . . . . . . . :   2
  Reset date . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Allow write during save  . . . . . . . :   No

Digitally signed . . . . . . . . . . . :   No
File ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Entire source:

     H Datfmt(*USA)
     H ExprOpts(*RESDECPOS)
     H Bnddir('ROUTINES/SRVPGM':'QC2LE')
     H ActGrp('QILE')
     H DftActGrp(*NO)
     D* File Information Structure (stat)
     D* struct stat {
     D*  mode_t         st_mode;       /* File mode */
     D*  ino_t          st_ino;        /* File serial number */
     D*  nlink_t        st_nlink;      /* Number of links */
     D*  uid_t          st_uid;        /* User ID of the owner of file */
     D*  gid_t          st_gid;        /* Group ID of the group of file */
     D*  off_t          st_size;       /* For regular files, the file
     D*                                 * size in bytes */
     D*  time_t         st_atime;      /* Time of last access */
     D*  time_t         st_mtime;      /* Time of last data modification
     D*  time_t         st_ctime;      /* Time of last file status change
     D*  dev_t          st_dev;        /* ID of device containing file */
     D*  size_t         st_blksize;    /* Size of a block of the file */
     D*  unsigned long  st_allocsize;  /* Allocation size of the file */
     D*  qp0l_objtype_t st_objtype;    /* AS/400 object type */
     D*  unsigned short st_codepage;   /* Object data codepage */
     D*  char           st_reserved1[66]; /* Reserved */
     D* };
      ** times in statds are seconds from the "epoch" (Jan 1, 1970)
      **   and are in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)...
     D p_statds        S               *
     D statds          DS                  BASED(p_statds)
     D  st_mode                      10U 0
     D  st_ino                       10U 0
     D  st_nlink                      5U 0
     D  st_pad                        2A
     D  st_uid                       10U 0
     D  st_gid                       10U 0
     D  st_size                      10I 0
     D  st_atime                     10I 0
     D  st_mtime                     10I 0
     D  st_ctime                     10I 0
     D  st_dev                       10U 0
     D  st_blksize                   10U 0
     D  st_alctize                   10U 0
     D  st_objtype                   12A
     D  st_codepag                    5U 0
     D  st_resv11                    62A
     D  st_ino_gen_id                10U 0

     D STATTEST        PR                  EXTPGM('STATTEST')
     D  FileName                    100a   const
     D STATTEST        PI
     D  FileName                    100a   const
     D* Get File Information
     D* int stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf)
     D stat            PR            10I 0 ExtProc('stat')
     D   path                          *   value options(*string)
     D   buf                           *   value

     D GetTimeZone     PR             5A

     D timezone        DS
     D   tzDir                        1A
     D   tzHour                       2S 0
     D   tzFrac                       2S 0

     D statsize        S             10I 0
     d Msg             S             50A
     D AccessTime      S               Z
     D ModifyTime      S               Z
     D ChgStsTime      S               Z
     D charTS          S             26A
     D Epoch           S               Z   INZ(z'1970-01-01-00.00.00')

     DGetErrNo         PR              *   ExtProc('__errno')
     DStrError         PR              *   ExtProc('strerror')
     D ErrorNo                       10i 0 Value
     DpErrorNo         s               *   inz
     DErrorNo          s             10i 0 based(pErrorNo)
     DpErrorMsg        s               *   inz
     DErrorMsg         s            100a   based(pErrorMsg)

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on

     c                   eval      statsize = %size(statds)
     c                   alloc     statsize      p_statds

     c                   if        stat(FileName: p_statds) < 0
     c                   eval      pErrorNo = GetErrNo
     c                   eval      pErrorMsg = StrError(ErrorNo)
     c                   eval      Msg = %char(ErrorNo) + ErrorMsg
     c                   dsply                   Msg
     c                   return
     c                   endif

      ** times in statds are seconds from the "epoch" (Jan 1, 1970)
      **   and are in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)...
      ** Hey!  Lets convert them to RPG timestamps!
     c     Epoch         adddur    st_atime:*S   AccessTime
     c     Epoch         adddur    st_mtime:*S   ModifyTime
     c     Epoch         adddur    st_ctime:*S   ChgStsTime

      ** adjust timestamps for timezone:
     c                   eval      timezone = GetTimeZone
     c                   if        tzDir = '-'
     c                   subdur    tzHour:*H     AccessTime
     c                   subdur    tzHour:*H     ModifyTime
     c                   subdur    tzHour:*H     ChgStsTime
     c                   else
     c                   adddur    tzHour:*H     AccessTime
     c                   adddur    tzHour:*H     ModifyTime
     c                   adddur    tzHour:*H     ChgStsTime
     c                   endif

     C* display the relevant times:
     c                   move      AccessTime    charTS
     c                   eval      Msg = 'Last Access ' + charTS
     c                   dsply                   Msg

     c                   move      ModifyTime    charTS
     c                   eval      Msg = 'Last Modified ' + charTS
     c                   dsply                   Msg

     c                   move      ChgStsTime    charTS
     c                   eval      Msg = 'Status Changed ' + charTS
     c                   dsply                   Msg

     c                   dealloc                 p_statds
     c                   eval      *inlr = *on

     P*  This gets the offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
     P*    from the system value QUTCOFFSET
     P GetTimeZone     B
     D GetTimeZone     PI             5A
     D peRcvVar        S              1A   DIM(100)
     D peRVarLen       S             10I 0
     D peNumVals       S             10I 0
     D peSysValNm      S             10A
     D p_Offset        S               *
     D wkOffset        S             10I 0 BASED(p_Offset)
     D p_SV            S               *
     D dsSV            ds                  BASED(p_SV)
     D   dsSVSysVal                  10A
     D   dsSVDtaTyp                   1A
     D   dsSVDtaSts                   1A
     D   dsSVDtaLen                  10I 0
     D   dsSVData                     5A
     D dsErrCode       DS
     D  dsBytesPrv             1      4B 0 INZ(256)
     D  dsBytesAvl             5      8B 0 INZ(0)
     D  dsExcpID               9     15
     D  dsReserved            16     16
     D  dsExcpData            17    256
     C                   CALL      'QWCRSVAL'                           99
     C                   PARM                    peRcvVar
     C                   PARM      100           peRVarLen
     c                   PARM      1             peNumVals
     c                   PARM      'QUTCOFFSET'  peSysValNm
     c                   PARM                    dsErrCode
     c                   if        dsBytesAvl > 0  or  *IN99 = *On
     c                   return    *blanks
     c                   endif
     c                   eval      p_Offset = %addr(peRcvVar(5))
     c                   eval      p_SV = %addr(peRcvVar(wkOffset+1))
     c                   return    dsSVData
     P                 E

Rob Berendt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin
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