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with regards to my first question below: Pgm-2 does work properly! One of
the options I am passing was messing up the classpath and making me think
that it wasn't working.

regarding (2), I would still appretiate the answers for that.



"Ali Ekinci" <>
Sent by:
07/30/2002 06:52 PM
Please respond to rpg400-l

        To:     "rpg400-l" <>
        Subject:        re: starting JVM with properties through JNI apis

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[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I have couple of questions:

1) I am trying to start JVM with properties through using JNI api
Thanks to the help from Barbara Morris, I put together the pgm-1 below,
and it  works OK to create JVM with a single property. But when I try to
pass multiple properties in pgm-2,  it doesn't work. Could anybody see
what is it I am doing wrong in pgm-2 ?
(Launcher class has a simple method PrtSysPrt to print system properties
to test whether JVM creation went OK.)

2) Barbara also recommended me to define JNI_CreateJavaVM parameters in a
C pgm then import it to RPG. It works greately even for multiple
properties. I was able to write a simple C pgm and hard code my
properties. Pgm-3 is the RPG that imports the JNI parm from the C pgm-4.
But my properties are not static, so If I can improve pgm-4 to get
property values as paramaters, and build the options array, then return
the optadr variable, I can call pgm-4 from pgm-3, pass the properties,
then it should do what I want.
Could anybody help me to make pgm-4 improvements in C language?
(I did try to write pgm-5, but I can not compile it.)

Thanks for all the help in advance.


      /define OS400_JVM_12

     h thread(*serialize)
     h dftactgrp(*no)

      * This pgm builds a single option, and
      *  starts JVM with that property.

      * Include JNI declarations and prototypes
      /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,jni

      * Declare HostManager class, methods, and params
     d PrtSysPrt       PR                  EXTPROC(*JAVA:
     d                                     'Launcher':
     d                                     'PrtSysPrp')
     d                                     STATIC

      * Delcare local procedure pointers
     d getJniEnv       PR              *

      * Mainline

          *inlr = *on;

      * Procedure - getJniEnv


     p getJniEnv       B                   EXPORT
     d getJniEnv       PI              *

     d rc              S                   LIKE(jint)
     d rpgRc           S               N
     d jvm             S               *   DIM(1)
     d env             S               *
     d bufLen          S                   LIKE(jsize) INZ(%elem(jvm))
     d nVMs            S                   LIKE(jsize)

      * Declare input structures for creating/attaching the JVM
     d initArgs2       DS                  LIKEDS(JavaVMInitArgs)
     d attachArgs2     DS                  LIKEDS(JavaVMAttachArgs)

     d singleOption    DS                  LIKEDS(JavaVMOption)

     d qdcxlate        PR                  EXTPGM('QDCXLATE')
     d xLen                           5P 0 CONST
     d xData                       1000A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     d xTable                        10A

     d temp            S           1000A

     d lenParam        S              5P 0 STATIC
     d dataParam       S               *   STATIC
     d tableParam      S             10A   INZ('QASCII    ') STATIC

     d optStrXX        S            256A   VARYING
     d INZ('-Dtest=SingleInternalOption')


         // See if there's a JVM started
         rc = JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs (jvm : bufLen : nVMs);

         // If JVM is started, just attach to it, to get the env pointer
         if  (rc = 0 and  nVMs > 0);
           // #gwo -- PRE-EXISTING VM IS NOT ALLOWED
           //         WE NEED TO THROW AN EXCEPTION
           attachArgs2 = *ALLX'00';
           attachArgs2.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
           JavaVM_P = jvm(1);
           rc = AttachCurrentThread (jvm(1): env : %addr(attachArgs2));

         // If JVM is not started, start it

         // Set VM arguments

           temp = optstrXX;
           callp qdcxlate(%len(optstrXX) : temp : tableParam);
           optstrXX = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstrXX)) + x'00';
           optStrXX= optStrXX+x'00';
           singleOption.optionString = %addr(optStrXX)+2;
           singleOption.extraInfo = *NULL;

           initArgs2.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
           initArgs2.nOptions = 1;
           initArgs2.options = %addr(singleOption);
           rc = JNI_CreateJavaVM (jvm(1) : env : %addr(initArgs2));

         // Display result

               dsply rc;


         if (rc = 0);
           return env;
           return *NULL;

     P getJniEnv       E

      /define OS400_JVM_12

     h thread(*serialize)
     h dftactgrp(*no)

      * This pgm builds multiple JVM options, and
      *  starts JVM with that properties.

      * Include JNI declarations and prototypes
      /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,jni

      * Declare HostManager class, methods, and params
     d PrtSysPrt       PR                  EXTPROC(*JAVA:
     d                                     'Launcher':
     d                                     'PrtSysPrp')
     d                                     STATIC

      * Delcare local procedure pointers
     d getJniEnv       PR              *

      * Mainline

          *inlr = *on;

      * Procedure - getJniEnv


     p getJniEnv       B                   EXPORT
     d getJniEnv       PI              *

     d rc              S                   LIKE(jint)
     d rpgRc           S               N
     d jvm             S               *   DIM(1)
     d env             S               *
     d bufLen          S                   LIKE(jsize) INZ(%elem(jvm))
     d nVMs            S                   LIKE(jsize)

      * Declare input structures for creating/attaching the JVM
     d initArgs2       DS                  LIKEDS(JavaVMInitArgs)
     d attachArgs2     DS                  LIKEDS(JavaVMAttachArgs)

     d vmOptions       DS                  LIKEDS(JavaVMOption)
     d                                     OCCURS(7)

     d qdcxlate        PR                  EXTPGM('QDCXLATE')
     d xLen                           5P 0 CONST
     d xData                       1000A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     d xTable                        10A

     d temp            S           1000A

     d lenParam        S              5P 0 STATIC
     d dataParam       S               *   STATIC
     d tableParam      S             10A   INZ('QASCII    ') STATIC

     d optStr01        S            256A   VARYING
     d                                     INZ('-Dtest=MultInternalOpt')
     d optStr02        S            256A   VARYING
     d                                     INZ('-Dali=ali222222222')
     d optStr03        S            256A   VARYING
     d                                     INZ('-Djava.ext.dirs=+
     d                                     /ALIEKINCI/test')
     d optStr04        S            256A   VARYING
     d INZ('-Djava.naming.factory.initial=+
     d com.pjx.naming.context.PjxInitial+
     d                                     ContextFactory')
     d optStr05        S            256A   VARYING
     d INZ('-Djava.naming.factory.url.+
     d                                     pkgs=com.pjx.naming')
     d optStr06        S            256A   VARYING
     d INZ('-Djava.naming.provider.url=+
     d                                     rmi://localhost:34999')
     d optStr07        S            256A   VARYING
     d                                     INZ('-Dcom.pjx.scs.HostName=+
     d                                     USATLD06')


         // See if there's a JVM started
         rc = JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs (jvm : bufLen : nVMs);

         // If JVM is started, just attach to it, to get the env pointer
         if  (rc = 0 and  nVMs > 0);
           // #gwo -- PRE-EXISTING VM IS NOT ALLOWED
           //         WE NEED TO THROW AN EXCEPTION
           attachArgs2 = *ALLX'00';
           attachArgs2.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
           JavaVM_P = jvm(1);
           rc = AttachCurrentThread (jvm(1): env : %addr(attachArgs2));

         // If JVM is not started, start it

            // Set VM options

               %occur(vmOptions) = 1;
               temp = optstr01;
               callp qdcxlate(%len(optstr01) : temp : tableParam);
               optstr01 = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstr01)) + x'00';
               vmOptions.optionString = %addr(optStr01)+2;
               vmOptions.extraInfo = *NULL;

               %occur(vmOptions) = 2;
               temp = optstr02;
               callp qdcxlate(%len(optstr02) : temp : tableParam);
               optstr02 = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstr02)) + x'00';
               vmOptions.optionString = %addr(optStr02)+2;
               vmOptions.extraInfo = *NULL;

               %occur(vmOptions) = 3;
               temp = optstr03;
               callp qdcxlate(%len(optstr03) : temp : tableParam);
               optstr03 = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstr03)) + x'00';
               vmOptions.optionString = %addr(optStr03)+2;
               vmOptions.extraInfo = *NULL;

               %occur(vmOptions) = 4;
               temp = optstr04;
               callp qdcxlate(%len(optstr04) : temp : tableParam);
               optstr04 = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstr04)) + x'00';
               vmOptions.optionString = %addr(optStr04)+2;
               vmOptions.extraInfo = *NULL;

               %occur(vmOptions) = 5;
               temp = optstr05;
               callp qdcxlate(%len(optstr05) : temp : tableParam);
               optstr05 = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstr05)) + x'00';
               vmOptions.optionString = %addr(optStr05)+2;
               vmOptions.extraInfo = *NULL;

               %occur(vmOptions) = 6;
               temp = optstr06;
               callp qdcxlate(%len(optstr06) : temp : tableParam);
               optstr06 = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstr06)) + x'00';
               vmOptions.optionString = %addr(optStr06)+2;
               vmOptions.extraInfo = *NULL;

               %occur(vmOptions) = 7;
               temp = optstr07;
               callp qdcxlate(%len(optstr07) : temp : tableParam);
               optstr07 = %subst(temp : 1 : %len(optstr07)) + x'00';
               vmOptions.optionString = %addr(optStr07)+2;
               vmOptions.extraInfo = *NULL;

         // Set VM arguments

               %occur(vmOptions) = 1;
               initArgs2.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
               initArgs2.nOptions = 7;
               initArgs2.options = %addr(vmOptions);
               rc = JNI_CreateJavaVM (jvm(1) : env : %addr(initArgs2));

         // Display result

               dsply rc;


         if (rc = 0);
           return env;
           return *NULL;

     P getJniEnv       E

      /define OS400_JVM_12

     h thread(*serialize)

      * This pgm imports the JVM properties structure from C module pgm-4

      * Include JNI declarations and prototypes
      /copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,jni

      * Declare HostManager class, methods, and params
     d PrtSysPrt       PR                  EXTPROC(*JAVA:
     d                                     'Launcher':
     d                                     'PrtSysPrp')
     d                                     STATIC

     d optadr          S               *   import('optadr')

      * Delcare local procedure pointers
     d getJniEnv       PR              *

      * Mainline

          *inlr = *on;

      * Procedure - getJniEnv


     p getJniEnv       B                   EXPORT
     d getJniEnv       PI              *

     d rc              S                   LIKE(jint)
     d rpgRc           S               N
     d jvm             S               *   DIM(1)
     d env             S               *
     d bufLen          S                   LIKE(jsize) INZ(%elem(jvm))
     d nVMs            S                   LIKE(jsize)

      * Declare input structures for creating/attaching the JVM
     d attachArgs2     DS                  LIKEDS(JavaVMAttachArgs)

     d qdcxlate        PR                  EXTPGM('QDCXLATE')
     d xLen                           5P 0 CONST
     d xData                       1000A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     d xTable                        10A

     d temp            S           1000A

     d lenParam        S              5P 0 STATIC
     d dataParam       S               *   STATIC
     d tableParam      S             10A   INZ('QASCII    ') STATIC


         // See if there's a JVM started
         rc = JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs (jvm : bufLen : nVMs);

         // If JVM is started, just attach to it, to get the env pointer
         if  (rc = 0 and  nVMs > 0);
           // #gwo -- PRE-EXISTING VM IS NOT ALLOWED
           //         WE NEED TO THROW AN EXCEPTION
           attachArgs2 = *ALLX'00';
           attachArgs2.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
           JavaVM_P = jvm(1);
           rc = AttachCurrentThread (jvm(1): env : %addr(attachArgs2));

         // If JVM is not started, start it

         // Set VM arguments

               rc = JNI_CreateJavaVM (jvm(1) : env : optadr);

               dsply rc;


         if (rc = 0);
           return env;
           return *NULL;

     P getJniEnv       E

#define OS400_JVM_12
#include <jni.h>

/* Specify the pragma that causes all literal strings in the
 * source code to be stored in ASCII (which, for the strings
 * used, is equivalent to UTF-8)

#pragma convert(819)

      char *option1 = "-Dtest=SingleCimportedoOptionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn";

      JavaVMOption options[4] = { {
"-Dxxx=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", 0  },
                                { "-Dx=y", 0                        },
"-Dzzzzzzzzzzzzz=aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii",0                },
"-Djava.naming.provider.url=rmi://localhost:34999", 0           } };

     JavaVMInitArgs initArgs = { 0x00010002,4,options,1 };

     JavaVMInitArgs *optadr = &initArgs;

#define OS400_JVM_12
#include <jni.h>

#pragma convert(819)

 void main(int argc, char *argv[])

 JavaVMOption options[10];
 JavaVMInitArgs initArgs;
 JavaVMInitArgs *optadr;

 int i;
 for (i=0; i<argc; ++i);

 initArgs.version = 0x00010002;
 initArgs.nOptions = argc-1;
 initArgs.options = options;
 initArgs.ignoreUnrecognized = 1;

 JavaVMInitArgs *optadr = &initArgs;

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