Give this a whirl.  It's the infamous sendemail program.  It has code that 
seems pretty straight forward with dealing with the IFS.  I've been meaning to 
take a look at it and understand it!  

-----Original Message-----
From: Hatzenbeler, Tim [mailto:thatzenbeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 2:49 PM
To: 'RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries'
Subject: rpg <-> ifs sample...

Does anybody have a sample rpg program or url, that has the basic ifs
functions?  Does a file exist? Create/Append/Overwite exisiting file, write
a few lines of data, and then close the file...

And of course, a way to iter through an ifs directory (recursive sublevel
wouldn't be needed), so i can retrieve the filenames, so I could use them to
open and read an ifs file would be very helpful also...

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
      *                                                                    *
      * This program will send an MIME e-mail with optional attachments    *
      *                                                                    *
      * To create this program, issue the following:                       *
      *                                                                    *
      * CRTPGM     PGM(*LIBL/SENDEMAIL)    +                               *
      *            MODULE(*LIBL/SENDEMAIL) +                               *
      *            BNDSRVPGM(QTCP/QTMMSNDM)                                *
      *                                                                    *
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *

     h optimize( *basic )

      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
      * IFS Prototypes                                                     *
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *

      * Open an IFS file
     d open            pr            10i 0 extproc( 'open' )
     d  filename                       *   value
     d  openflags                    10i 0 value
     d  mode                         10u 0 value options( *nopass )
     d  codepage                     10u 0 value options( *nopass )

      * Read an IFS file
     d read            pr            10i 0 extproc( 'read' )
     d  filehandle                   10i 0 value
     d  datareceived                   *   value
     d  nbytes                       10u 0 value

      * Write to an IFS file
     d write           pr            10i 0 extproc( 'write' )
     d  filehhndle                   10i 0 value
     d  datatowrite                    *   value
     d  nbytes                       10u 0 value

      * Close an IFS file
     d close           pr            10i 0 extproc( 'close' )
     d  filehandle                   10i 0 value

      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
      * Standalones                                                        *
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *

      * File Access Modes for open()
     d o_rdonly        s             10i 0 inz( 1 )
     d o_wronly        s             10i 0 inz( 2 )
     d o_rdwr          s             10i 0 inz( 4 )

      * Oflag values for open()
     d o_creat         s             10i 0 inz( 8 )
     d o_excl          s             10i 0 inz( 16 )
     d o_trunc         s             10i 0 inz( 64 )

      * File status flags for opent() and fcntl()
     d o_nonblock      s             10i 0 inz( 128 )
     d o_append        s             10i 0 inz( 256 )

      * Oflag share mode values for open()
     d o_share_none    s             10i 0 inz( 2000000 )
     d o_share_rdonly  s             10i 0 inz( 0200000 )
     d o_share_rdwr    s             10i 0 inz( 1000000 )
     d o_share_wronly  s             10i 0 inz( 0400000 )

      * File permissions
     d s_irusr         s             10i 0 inz( 256 )
     d s_iwusr         s             10i 0 inz( 128 )
     d s_ixusr         s             10i 0 inz( 64 )
     d s_irwxu         s             10i 0 inz( 448 )
     d s_irgrp         s             10i 0 inz( 32 )
     d s_iwgrp         s             10i 0 inz( 16 )
     d s_ixgrp         s             10i 0 inz( 8 )
     d s_irwxg         s             10i 0 inz( 56 )
     d s_iroth         s             10i 0 inz( 4 )
     d s_iwoth         s             10i 0 inz( 2 )
     d s_ixoth         s             10i 0 inz( 1 )
     d s_irwxo         s             10i 0 inz( 7 )

      * Misc
     d o_textdata      s             10i 0 inz( 16777216 )
     d o_codepage      s             10i 0 inz( 8388608 )

      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
      * Data Definitions                                                   *
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *

      * Miscellaneous data declarations
     d filename        s            256a
     d filelen         s              9b 0
     d originator      s            256a
     d originname      s             80a
     d originlen       s              9b 0
     d cpfnumber       s                   like( cpfid )
     d subject         s            256a
     d message         s            512a
     d attachname      s            256a
     d asciicodepage   s             10u 0 inz(819)

     d addressee       s                   like( address )
     d addresseename   s                   like( address )
     d totalrecp       s              9b 0

     d filedesc        s             10i 0
     d byteswrt        s             10i 0
     d data            s           9999a
     d attachdesc      s             10i 0
     d bytesread       s             10i 0
     d dataread        s           9899a
     d eor             s              2a   inz( x'0D25' )
     d null            s              1a   inz( x'00' )
     d fullname        s            512a
     d returnint       s             10i 0
     d pos             s              5u 0
     d savepos         s                   like( pos )

      * Data structure of recipient info.
     d recipient       ds
     d  offset                 1      4b 0
     d  addrlen                5      8b 0
     d  format                 9     16
     d  distrtype             17     20b 0
     d  reserved              21     24b 0
     d  address               25    280

      * MIME header fields
     d msender         s            256a
     d mdatetime       s            256a
     d mfrom           s            256a
     d mmimever        s            256a
     d mto             s            256a
     d msubject        s            256a
     d mboundary       s            256a   inz( '--PART.BOUNDARY.1' )
     d returnpt        s              6a

      * Array of file attachments
     d attachment      ds
     d  nbrfiles               1      2b 0
     d  attachfile                  256a   dim( 30 )

      * Program Status                                                
     d                sds
     d error             *status
     d pgmname                 1     10
     d user                  254    263

      * API error info                                                
     d apierror        ds
     d  apibytes               1      4b 0
     d  cpfid                  9     15

      * Constants
     d dto             c                   const( 0 )
     d dcc             c                   const( 1 )
     d dbcc            c                   const( 2 )
     d msgsize         c                   const( %len( message ))
     d z               s              5  0

     »*            M a i n l i n e    C a l c u l a t i o n s              *·

      * Entry Parms

     c     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    filename
     c     address       parm                    addressee
     c                   parm                    originator
     c                   parm                    addresseename
     c                   parm                    originname
     c                   parm                    attachment
     c                   parm                    subject
     c                   parm                    message

      * Initialize error structure
     c                   eval      apibytes = 11

      * Initialize values
     c                   eval      filelen = %len( %trimr( filename ))
     c                   eval      %subst( filename : filelen +1 : 2 ) = x'0000'
     c                   eval      originlen = %len( %trimr( originator ))
     c                   eval      format    = 'ADDR0100'
     c                   eval      distrtype = dto
     c                   eval      reserved  = 0
     c                   eval      addrlen   = %len( %trimr( address ))
     c                   eval      offset    = 0
     c                   eval      totalrecp = 1

      * Write MIME file
     c                   exsr      writehdr

      * Call API to send e-mail
     c                   callb     'QtmmSendMail'
     c                   parm                    filename
     c                   parm                    filelen
     c                   parm                    originator
     c                   parm                    originlen
     c                   parm                    recipient
     c                   parm                    totalrecp
     c                   parm                    apierror

      * Return to caller
     c     exit          tag
     c                   return

      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
      * Write header portion of file                                       *
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
     csr   writehdr      begsr

      * Open file
     c                   eval      fullName = %trimr( fileName ) + null
     c                   eval      fileDesc = open( %addr( fullName )
     c                               : o_creat + o_wronly + o_trunc +
     c                                 o_codePage
     c                               : s_irwxu + s_iroth
     c                               : asciiCodePage )
     c                   eval      returnInt = close( fileDesc )
     c                   eval      fileDesc = open( %addr( fullName )
     c                               : o_textdata + o_rdwr )

      * Build MIME header fields
     c                   eval      mSender =
     c                             'Sender: ' + originator
     c                   eval      mDateTime =
     c                             'Date: '
     c                   eval      mFrom =
     c                             'From: ' +
     c                             %trimr( originName ) + ' <' +
     c                             %trimr( originator ) + '>'
     c                   eval      mMimeVer =
     c                             'MIME-Version: 1.0'
     c                   if        addresseeName > *blanks
     c                   eval      mTo =
     c                             'To: ' + %trimr( addresseeName ) +
     c                             ' <' + %trimr( address ) + '>'
     c                   else
     c                   eval      mTo =
     c                             'To: ' + %trimr( address )
     c                   endif
     c                   if        subject > *blanks
     c                   eval      mSubject =
     c                             'Subject: ' + subject
     c                   else
     c                   eval      mSubject =
     c                             'Subject: '
     c                   endif
     c                   eval      data = %trimr( mSender ) +
     c                             eor +
     c                             %trimr( mDateTime ) +
     c                             eor +
     c                             %trimr( mFrom) +
     c                             eor +
     c                             %trimr( mMimeVer) +
     c                             eor +
     c                             %trimr( mTo ) +
     c                             eor +
     c                             %trimr( mSubject ) +
     c                             eor +
     c                             'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=' +
     c                             '"' + %trimr( mBoundary ) + '"' +
     c                             eor +
     c                             eor +
     c                             'This is a multi-part message in MIME ' +
     c                             'format.' + eor + eor +
     c                             '--' + %trimr( mboundary ) +
     c                             eor +
     c                             'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii'+
     c                             eor +
     c                             'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' +
     c                             eor + eor +
     c                             %trimr( message ) +
     c                             eor + eor + eor + eor +
     c                             '--' + %trimr( mBoundary )

      * Add attachment file(s) if requested
     c                   if        nbrfiles > *zero
     c                             and attachfile(1) <> '*NONE'
     c                   exsr      writefile
     c                   do        nbrfiles      z
     c                   clear                   savepos
     c                   eval      pos = %scan('/':attachfile(z):1)
     c                   dow       pos > *zero
     c                   eval      savepos = pos
     c                   eval      pos = %scan('/':attachfile(z):pos+1)
     c                   enddo
     c                   if        savepos <> *zero
     c                   eval      attachname = %subst(attachfile(z):savepos+1)
     c                   else
     c                   eval      attachname = attachfile(z)
     c                   endif
     c                   eval      data = eor +
     c                             'Content-Type: application/octet' +
     c                             '-stream; name="' +
     c                             %trimr(attachname) + '"' +
     c                             eor +
     c                             'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' +
     c                             eor +
     c                             'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' +
     c                             %trimr(attachname) + '"' +
     c                             eor + eor
     c                   exsr      writefile

      * Open file
     c                   eval      fullname = %trimr(attachfile(z)) + null
     c                   eval      attachdesc = open(%addr(fullname)
     c                               : o_rdonly + o_textdata)

      * Read from file and write to MIME file
     c                   eval      bytesread = read(attachdesc
     c                               : %addr(dataread)
     c                               : %size(dataread))
     c                   dow       bytesread > 0
     c                   eval      data = %subst(dataread:1:bytesread)
     c                   eval      byteswrt = write(filedesc
     c                               : %addr(data)
     c                               : %len(%trimr(data)))
     c                   eval      bytesread = read(attachdesc
     c                               : %addr(dataread)
     c                               : %size(dataread))
     c                   enddo

      * Close attachment file and write to MIME
     c                   eval      returnint = close(attachdesc)
     c                   if        z >= nbrfiles
     c                   eval      data = eor +
     c                             '--' + %trimr(mboundary) + '--' +
     c                             eor + eor
     c                   else
     c                   eval      data = eor +
     c                             '--' + %trimr(mboundary)
     c                   endif
     c                   exsr      writefile
     c                   enddo
     c                   else

      * Write end of MIME file for e-mail w/ no attachment
     c                   eval      data = %trimr(data) + '--' + eor + eor
     c                   exsr      writefile
     c                   endif

      * Close file
     c                   eval      returnint = close(filedesc)

     csr                 endsr
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
      * Write to file                                                      *
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
     csr   writefile     begsr

     c                   eval      byteswrt = write(filedesc
     c                               : %addr(data)
     c                               : %len(%trimr(data)))

     csr                 endsr
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
      * Subroutine  - @PSSR                                                *
      * Description - Error trapping subroutine.                           *
      * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
     csr   *pssr         begsr

     c                   if        error = 202
     c****************   move      '*DETLC'      ReturnPt
     c****************   else
     c                   move      '*CANCL'      returnpt
     c                   endif

     csr                 endsr     returnpt

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