Record locking.....
        My first mail to the mailing list. Since I have seen the record locking 
problem, here is the
most simple way to find the record lock.

        Key     chain                                           9091
                dow  *91=*off
        Key     chain                                           9091

The technique is that the indicator 91 returns the error status of the op-code 
(chain return code)
and the program keeps on reading the record, if the operation fails( most of 
the times it fails
because of the record lock condition).

-Ramkumar G

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:32 PM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RPG400-L Digest, Vol 2, Issue 723

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions
      (Pete Clifford (ariadne software))
   2. Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions (fkany@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
   3. Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions (James Rich)
   4. Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions (Booth Martin)
   5. Re: When is %EOF not an %EOF (Simon Coulter)
   6. error messages list (Murali  dhar)
   7. RE: Detecting Record Lock Conditions (Walden H. Leverich III)
   8. Re: error messages list (Buck)


message: 1
date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 22:27:57 +0100
from: "Pete Clifford \(ariadne software\)"
subject: Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions

Hi Frank.

I'm not convinced there's much point having the wait in there at all since
the read will wait the amount of time specified by the file's WAITRCD
attribute before returning an error condition in any case. If the record
becomes available during this time, the read will succeed and return
immediately. Your way, you always have to wait n seconds whether the record
becomes available while you're waiting or not.

If you do decide to wait a while, consider using "sleep":
Perhaps neater than calling DLYJOB via QCMDEXC?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <fkany@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 10:03 PM
Subject: Detecting Record Lock Conditions

> I'm trying to have a program detect if a record is locked.  If the program
> does find that the record it's trying to read is locked, it will wait 10
> seconds before retrying to  read the same record from the file.
> Will placing the ITER operation accomplish this task in the code below?
> Should it wait 15 seconds then SETLL on the record it was trying to read
> then ITER?
> Is there an easier alternative for checking for locked records?
> Thanks,
> Frank
> =================================================
> F Customer  UF    E           DISK
> D RecordLocked    C           CONST( 01218 )
>       *
>       /FREE
>            KeyFld1 = %DEC(Field1:3:0);
>            KeyFld2 = %DEC(Field2:7:0);
>            // Read CUSTOMER File
>            SETLL Custkey Customer;
>            DOU %EOF(Customer);
>            READ(E) Customer;
>            // Record Locked
>            IF %ERROR;
>                 // Record IS Locked
>       IF %STATUS = RecordLocked;
>                 *WAIT 15 SECONDS
>       ITER;
>                 ENDIF;
>            ENDIF;
>            ENDDO;
> ===================================================
> _______________________________________________
> This is the RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries (RPG400-L) mailing list
> To post a message email: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
> visit:
> or email: RPG400-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
> at


message: 2
date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 16:42:33 -0500
from: fkany@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions

Would using an OVRDBF FILE(CUSTOMER) WAITRCD(*NOMAX) in the CL that calls
the RPG work?  I wouldn't have to change the RPG if I did it that way.


message: 3
date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:47:54 -0600
from: James Rich <james@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions

fkany@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I'm trying to have a program detect if a record is locked.  If the program
> does find that the record it's trying to read is locked, it will wait 10
> seconds before retrying to  read the same record from the file.
> Will placing the ITER operation accomplish this task in the code below?
> Should it wait 15 seconds then SETLL on the record it was trying to read
> then ITER?
> Is there an easier alternative for checking for locked records?

Here is what we do (not too fancy since we are on older releases):

FPROCHP    UF A E           K DISK    INFDS(infds)
(skip infds definition)
Dallocate_record  PR                  LIKE(ERA_errno)
Dprocnum                         4S 2 VALUE
C                   eval      err = allocate_record(proc)
C     err           ifeq      FAIL
C                   select
C                   when      ifstatus = RECORDLOCKED
C                   eval      message = 'The procedure you selected is ' +
C                             'in use.'
C                   when      ifstatus = RECORDNOTFOUND
C                   eval      message = 'The procedure you selected is ' +
C                             'not found.'
C                   other
C                   eval      message = 'Could not allocate record.'
C                   endsl
Pallocate_record  B
Dallocate_record  PI                  LIKE(ERA_errno)
Dprocnum                         4S 2 VALUE
C     prochkey      klist
C                   kfld                    procnum
C     prochkey      chain     PROCHR                             1919
C     *in19         ifeq      *on
C                   return    FAIL
C                   endif
C                   return    SUCCESS
Pallocate_record  E

We have some constants defined in a header file (like SUCCESS, FAIL, 
etc.).  Basically you use the infds to tell you if the record is locked 
and then do something with that info (in this case send a message).
James Rich


message: 4
date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 16:57:22 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
from: "Booth Martin" <Booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions

please consider condemning a record lock for over a second or two as an
error situation. Find the programs that have an extended lock and repair
them. Do not accept extended record locking as acceptable behavior. If a
record lock is encountered, send a message to yourself and fix the
circumstance that allowed it.
Booth Martin
-------Original Message-------
From: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Date: Monday, September 29, 2003 16:14:41
To: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Detecting Record Lock Conditions
I'm trying to have a program detect if a record is locked. If the program
does find that the record it's trying to read is locked, it will wait 10
seconds before retrying to read the same record from the file.
Will placing the ITER operation accomplish this task in the code below?
Should it wait 15 seconds then SETLL on the record it was trying to read
then ITER?
Is there an easier alternative for checking for locked records?
F Customer UF E DISK
D RecordLocked C CONST( 01218 )
KeyFld1 = %DEC(Field1:3:0);
KeyFld2 = %DEC(Field2:7:0);
// Read CUSTOMER File
SETLL Custkey Customer;
DOU %EOF(Customer);
READ(E) Customer;
// Record Locked
// Record IS Locked
IF %STATUS = RecordLocked;


message: 5
date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 09:00:57 +1000
from: Simon Coulter <shc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: When is %EOF not an %EOF

On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 12:19  AM, DeLong, Eric wrote:

> I find it very interesting that by simply changing a reade to a read 
> and then testing the keys manually can improve performance so 
> dramatically.

The secret is blocking. Fixing the I/O is the single best thing you can 
do to fix performance problems (presuming there are no physical 
constraints like insufficient main storage, or a gutless processor).

As an example I changed a conversion process at a previous employer to 
reorganise the work files into keyed sequential order, used a large 
blocking factor, and dropped the run time from 3 days to 12 hours.

I wouldn't suggest that you religiously use "READ and test" in place of 
READE especially if the values you want are widely separated (i.e., a 
sparse key) but whenever you are processing large amounts of data 
sequentially by key a good old-fashioned sort followed by sequential 
reads can significantly improve the run time.

Simon Coulter.
    FlyByNight Software         AS/400 Technical Specialists
    Phone: +61 3 9419 0175   Mobile: +61 0411 091 400        /"\
    Fax:   +61 3 9419 0175   mailto: shc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   \ /
                  ASCII Ribbon campaign against HTML E-Mail  / \


message: 6
date: 30 Sep 2003 12:39:44 -0000
from: "Murali  dhar" <hydchap1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: error messages list

           Msg:-Cannot allocate object GDSCPRF1
           Pgm:-YBADGDSC (C D I R)
Msg:-Duplicate keys were found while adding record to file 
        RPG9036 Options (0 23F)
3)Program YALT00020C errored out with options (C I 9999) as 
YALT00020W was at maximum size.
Msg:-End of volume ASP002 reached on device MLB3494.
No media of class JRNL_CLS is available at location MLB3494. (C 
Job 558787/ARAMBR/JOURNAL changed by QSYSOPR.

hi all ,above are few errors and options you can take like C,D,I 
etc,i want to know all such errors list?where can I see and get 
such list of error messages and what are remedial actions (like 
C,G,I,9999 etc ,explaining me  in what situation i ve to take 
C/G/I etc)I can take to nullify such erros in production 
Can anybody suggest me any notes available on net on this erros 
messages.I wont be able to see all errors on system now unless i 
experience them in future,i Know i can take help there and see for 
the remedial we have any notes on list of all such 
errors and remedial actions .....

Can anybody let me know for all 4 jobs
what exactly these letters stand for& what happens if i take 
either of these for particular job?
                               C D I R
                                0 23F
                                C I 9999
                                 C G

Thanks in adv,

Television meets Accounts; Jyoti Weds Rajaram.
Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !!


message: 7
date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 09:58:19 -0400
from: "Walden H. Leverich III" <WaldenL@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Detecting Record Lock Conditions

>please consider condemning a record lock for over a second or two 
>as an error situation.

In general I agree, but I think 1-2 seconds is a little fast. For online
programs I can't imagine a lock > 1-2 seconds, but for batch programs with
commitment control I could see wait times of > 10 seconds. 


Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x11
(208) 692-3308 eFax

Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Booth Martin [mailto:Booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 5:57 PM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Detecting Record Lock Conditions

please consider condemning a record lock for over a second or two as an
error situation. Find the programs that have an extended lock and repair
them. Do not accept extended record locking as acceptable behavior. If a
record lock is encountered, send a message to yourself and fix the
circumstance that allowed it.
Booth Martin
-------Original Message-------
From: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Date: Monday, September 29, 2003 16:14:41
To: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Detecting Record Lock Conditions
I'm trying to have a program detect if a record is locked. If the program
does find that the record it's trying to read is locked, it will wait 10
seconds before retrying to read the same record from the file.
Will placing the ITER operation accomplish this task in the code below?
Should it wait 15 seconds then SETLL on the record it was trying to read
then ITER?
Is there an easier alternative for checking for locked records?
F Customer UF E DISK
D RecordLocked C CONST( 01218 )
KeyFld1 = %DEC(Field1:3:0);
KeyFld2 = %DEC(Field2:7:0);
// Read CUSTOMER File
SETLL Custkey Customer;
DOU %EOF(Customer);
READ(E) Customer;
// Record Locked
// Record IS Locked
IF %STATUS = RecordLocked;

This is the RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries (RPG400-L) mailing list
To post a message email: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: RPG400-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives


message: 8
date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:28:06 -0400
from: "Buck" <buck.calabro@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: error messages list

Hi Murali!

-snip CPF/RPG messages-

> hi all ,above are few errors and options you
> can take like C,D,I  etc,i want to know all
> such errors list?

The list of messages changes (grows) with each release of OS/400.  You can
look at the message files to find the text of the messages (try WRKMSGF) but
that might not be very helpful.  Do keep in mind that we can create our own
message files and our own messages; not just IBM.

> and what are remedial actions (like C,G,I,9999 etc ,
> explaining me  in what situation i ve to take
> C/G/I etc)I can take to nullify such erros in production
> support.

Nobody can tell you the answer to this question because it depends entirely
on the job, the error and the database; all of these are unique to you.  The
only thing we can tell you is to put the cursor on the message and press F1
to see the extended help.  Read it carefully before answering the message,
because the text of the message explains what each choice means.

One bit of advice I can give you is that when you post error messages to a
mailing list or web forum, be sure to post the message ID:  like RPG9036.
Also post what happened to cause the message (in this case, it would be a
WRITE.)  That way other people can look up the message (in their message
file) and give you better advice.  Speaking of which, if this advice didn't
help, try the MIDRANGE-L list.  Any program can produce error messages, not
just RPG, so there may be some other advice people there can give to you.


This is the RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries (RPG400-L) digest list
To post a message email: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: RPG400-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives

End of RPG400-L Digest, Vol 2, Issue 723

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