Thanks for responding William Washington.

This is an interactive program which does the update, which fires the
trigger. I want the message to come back to my program so I can display
it as an error.

I'm not sure quite what happened, but my attachments turned into
whatever it was you received. Although they did come back fine for me.
They were just 
a txt file.

I did try what I think you were telling me before sending this, and that
doesn't work.

There is a stack # in both the send and receive ... should they be the
same or different. If I change it to 1, I get a trigger exception error.

Here is the flow ... both run in activation group Qile

Call CSupdtxCL                          ... (1)

        Load file ...
        Call CSupdt                       ... (2) 
                Trigger caused by an update ... (3)

I used 3 as my stack # when qmhsndpm was called in the trigger program
... should the recv stack # be the same or am I confusing that piece as
being something it is not?

Anyway ... following is the interactive program that does the update and
forces the trigger .... CSupdt

H DFTNAME(CSUPDT)                                                TN
H Option(*SrcStmt)

H DftActGrp(*NO)

H ActGrp('QILE')

H BndDir('EWAPPS')


F*  Change salesman #'s ... testing triggers



F                                     INFDS(ROLUPD)

FCSxb00    UF   E           K Disk



D*----------------------------------------------- DATA STRUCTURES


D ROLUPD          DS

D  STATUS           *STATUS


D CSrec1        E DS                  EXTNAME(CSdelr) Inz


D Alpha           DS                  Inz

D  Mesg                         50

D  Mesg_Updt      S             50    Inz('   Update the salesmen #s')

 *    Api Declarations


DApiQmhRcvPm      DS

D  RcvData                     100    Inz('*')

D  RcvDtaLen                    10I 0 Inz(%Size(RcvData))

d  RcvFormat                     8    Inz('RCVM0200')

D  RcvMsgQ                      10    Inz('*')

D  RcvStack                     10I 0 Inz(3)

D  RcvType                      10    Inz('*ESCAPE')

D  RcvKey                       10I 0

D  RcvAction                    10    Inz('*OLD')

D  RcvWait                      10I 0 Inz(0)


DAPIErrorDS       DS

D  APIBytes                     10I 0 Inz(%Size(APIErrorDS))

D  APIBytesOut                  10I 0 Inz(0)

D  APIErrID                      7A

D  APIReserved                   1A

D  APIErInDta                  256A


C                   Dou       *InLR 
C                   clear                   CSrec1

C                   exfmt     CSupdt01

C                   If        *InKC or

C                             *InKG

C                   eval      *InLR = *On

C                   leave

C                   EndIf

 * KK .. go back to screen 1

 * ...

 * Otherwise process screen 2

C                   If        Not *InKK

C     CSdlr#        chain     csxb00

C                   If        %Found(csxb00)

C                   eval      Mesg = Mesg_Updt

C                   Dow       Mesg <> *Blanks

C                   exfmt     CSupdt02

C                   If        *InKC or

C                             *InKG

C                   eval      *InLR = *On

C                   leave

C                   EndIf


c                   eval      Mesg = *Blanks

C                   Monitor 
C                   update    CSb00

C                   on-error

C                   exsr      RecvError

C                   Endmon

C                   EndDo

 * Customer Not found

C                   Else

C                   eval      Mesg = ' Invalid Customer '

C                   EndIf


C                   EndIf

C                   EndDo


 * Receive program error message

C     RecvError     BegSr

C                   CALL      'QMHRCVPM'                   Recv
C                   PARM                    RcvData

C                   PARM                    RcvDtaLen

C                   PARM                    RcvFormat

C                   PARM                    RcvMsgQ

C                   PARM                    RcvStack

C                   PARM                    RcvType

C                   PARM                    RcvKey

C                   PARM                    RcvWait

C                   PARM                    RcvAction

C                   PARM                    ApiErrorDs     Error Code


c                   If        RcvDtaLen = 0

c                   leavesr

c                   EndIf


 *  Show me if anything came back

C                   eval      Mesg = 'xxx ' +
C                                    +  ' ' +
C                                    +  ' ' + %Triml(%Trimr(RcvData))

C                                    +  ' ' +
C                                    +  ' ' + %Triml(%Trimr(ApiErrId))

C                                    +  ' ' +
 *  Just get out of here

c                   leavesr


 *  Load the message if any

c                   eval      Mesg = ApiErrId


C                   EndSr


Here is the trigger program ... TRGCSDELR

H Option(*SrcStmt)

H DftActGrp(*NO)

H ActGrp(*Caller)

H BndDir('EWAPPS')

FSMdlrI    CT   F    6        DISK

FSMdlrO    CT   F    6        DISK

D* Tables for testing salesmen id's

DInside           S              6S 0 Dim(10) PerRcd(1) Fromfile(SMdlrI)

DOutside          S              6S 0 Dim(10) PerRcd(1) Fromfile(SMdlrO)



 *    Pointers used to refer to data in the buffers

DpBefore          S               *

DpAfter           S               *

 *    Before and After data structures (change to file name needed)

 *    .... set Pointer in order to use data

DBefore         E DS                  ExtName(CSdelr)

D                                     Prefix(B_)

D                                     Based(pBefore)

DAfter          E DS                  ExtName(CSdelr)

D                                     Prefix(A_)

D                                     Based(pAfter)

 *    Trigger Buffer and Trigger Buffer Length Declarations

DBufferLen        S             10I 0

DTrigBuff         DS

D  TrigFile                     10A

D  TrigLib                      10A

D  TrigMbr                      10A

D  TrigEvent                     1A

D  TrigTime                      1A

D  TrigCommit                    1A

D  TrigRes1                      3A

D  TrigCCSID                    10I 0

D  TrigRRN                      10I 0

D  TrigRes2                      4A

D  TrigB4OS                     10I 0

D  TrigB4Len                    10I 0

D  TrigB4NBM                    10I 0

D  TrigB4NBL                    10I 0

D  TrigAftOS                    10I 0

D  TrigAftLen                   10I 0

D  TrigAftNBM                   10I 0

D  TrigAftNBL                   10I 0

 *    Api Declarations

DSMMsgId          S              7    Inz('CPF9898')

DSMMsgFile        S             20    Inz('QCPFMSG   *LIBL')

DSMMsgTxt         S            100

DSMMsgLen         S             10I 0 Inz(%Size(SMMsgTxt))

DSMMsgType        S             10    Inz('*ESCAPE')

DSMMsgQ           S             10    Inz('*')

DSMStack#         S             10I 0 Inz(3)

DSMMsgKey         S             10I 0


DAPIErrorDS       DS

D  APIBytes                     10I 0 Inz(%Size(APIErrorDS))

D  APIBytesOut                  10I 0

D  APIErrID                      7A

D  APIReserved                   1A

D  APIErInDta                  256A

 *    Trigger Constants

D@Insert          C                   '1'

D@Delete          C                   '2'

D@Update          C                   '3'

D@Before          C                   '2'

D@After           C                   '1'

 *    Error Message constants

D@Error1          C                   'Invalid Inside Salesman #'

D@Error2          C                   'Invalid Outside Salesman #'

D@Error3          C                   'Invalid Price Frt Zone'

D@Error4          C                   'Invalid Delivery Frt Zone'

 *    Other work fields

D  Found_I                      10I 0

D  Found_O                      10I 0

 *    Other work fields

D  Mesg                         52

 * Input Paramaters are passed automatically when the trigger

 * fires. Passed ere the trigger buffer and trigger buffer length.

C     *Entry        Plist

C                   Parm                    TrigBuff

C                   Parm                    BufferLen

 * Map the data structures for the before and after images to

 * the offset location in the trigger buffer using pointers.


 * Set before & after values

C                   Eval      pBefore = %Addr(TrigBuff) + TrigB4OS

C                   Eval      pAfter  = %Addr(TrigBuff) + TrigAftOS


 * Test Trigger event

C                   If        TrigEvent = @Update or

C                             TrigEvent = @Insert


C                   eval      SMMsgTxt = *Blanks


 * Inside Salesman                                                     
C                   If        A_CSsmn# <> B_CSsmn#                     
C                   Eval      Found_I = %Lookup(A_CSsmn#:Inside)       
C                   If        Found_I < 1                              
C                   eval      SMMsgTxt = @Error1                       
C                   exsr      SendError                                
C                   EndIf                                              
C                   EndIf                                              
 * Outside Salesman                                                    
C                   If        A_CSosm# <> B_CSosm#                     
C                   Eval      Found_O = %Lookup(A_CSosm#:Outside)      
C                   If        Found_O < 1                              
C                   eval      SMMsgTxt = @Error2                       
C                   exsr      SendError                                
C                   EndIf                                              
C                   EndIf                                              
C                   EndIf                                              
 * Go back to caller                                                   
C                   Return                                             
 * Send back error message                                             
C     SendError     BegSr                                              
C                   Call      'QMHSNDPM'                           
C                   Parm                    SMMsgId                
C                   Parm                    SMMsgFile              
C                   Parm                    SMMsgTxt               
C                   Parm                    SMMsgLen               
C                   Parm                    SMMsgType              
C                   Parm                    SMMsgQ                 
C                   Parm                    SMStack#               
C                   Parm                    SMMsgKey               
C                   Parm                    APIErrorDS             
C                   EndSr                                             

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of William Washington
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:16 PM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Problems using api's qmhsndpm amd qmhrcvpm

Sounds like you're trying to use the wrong API.  Try QEZSNDMG.
What would happen if your file with the trigger is updated by a batch
program?  What message queue should the message go to?  
I believe QMHSNDPM will attempt to send a message to a program message
queue, which is different than a "regular" message queue.
If this isn't the case, please let me know a bit more about where you
expect your trigger to occur, and where you wish the message to be sent.
(If you're expecting this trigger to occur in an interactive program
only, and you want to send the message "up the call stack" back to the
calling program, you need to change your call stack value - field
SMSTACK# - to 1 to tell how far back up the call stack to send the
message.   If there is an intermediate program between the program doing
the update and the trigger program sending the message, set the value to
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 12:26:05 -0700
from: "Terry Nonamaker" 
subject: Problems using api's qmhsndpm amd qmhrcvpm

I have been been working on my 1st trigger and api program and have been
having a heck of a time making the api's work.

My 2 programs are attached . they are just spool files copied to
desktop. If they do not appear properly go to format and uncheck word

Any way, my trigger does seem to be firing and it is making the send api
. I say this because when I look at my job log I see the proper error
message there. The trigger program is TRGCSDELR.

> call csupdtxcl



Invalid Outside Salesman #.

I/O error CPF9898 was detected in file CSXB00.


- RETURN /* RETURN due to end of CL program */

> wtp

I have been using the AS/400 Programmer's Handbook and Api's at Work, in
addition to searching everywhere I can think of on the net.

There seem to be no good examples of using qmhrcvpm. 

Basically I seem to be getting nothing back to my base program . CSUPDT.

It is highly like I am using Monitor improperly, but no good examples of
that either. Or maybe I should not be using monitor.
But if I don't, I get system forced messages.

Any help would be appreciated, no snickers allowed.
For some reason this is just not coming together for me.

Thanks in advance to all that respond.

Terry Nonamaker

Exterior Wood Inc.

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