
John Brandt 
(903) 523-0708 
Home of iS/ODBC - MSSQL access from iSeries and RPG. 

-----Original Message-----
From: RPower@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:RPower@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 12:00 PM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: RE: Display files

Unfortunately that didn't work either.  Can I send you an off-line email 
with the full pgm and display file attached?

Ron Power
Information Services
City Of St. John's, NL
P.O. Box 908
St. John's, NL
A1C 5M2
Tel: 709-576-8132
Email: rpower@xxxxxxxxxx
Website: http://www.stjohns.ca/
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm. - 
Sir Winston Churchill

"John Brandt Sr." <pgmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
28/10/2004 02:18 PM
Please respond to
RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries'" <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

RE: Display files

Remove all ASSUME's and KEEP's
Change your display file as marked with the *'s.

Display file:
     A*%%GP SCREEN1    01
     A          R SMPGUDP2
     A*%%TS  DD  20041005  150713  RPower      REL-V5.0.1  WDSc
     A                                      CF02
     A  52
     AO 53
     AO 54
     AO 55                                  ALARM
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A            SYSNAM         8A  O  1  2
     A            DATYMD        10A  O  1 70
     A            PRGSYS        21A  O  2  2
     A            CURTIM         8A  O  2 72
     A                                  5  4'Entity #          :'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  6  4'Entity Description:'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  8  4'Planner Initials  :'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  8 32'Planner Name   :'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  9  4'Forperson Initials:'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  9 32'Foreperson Name:'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                 23  2'F2=Previous'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                 10  1'     -
     A     -
     A                                                 '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            SSTACT        30A  B 13 41
     A  53                                  DSPATR(RI)
     A  53                                  DSPATR(PC)
     A            SSENT#        20A  O  5 24
     A            SS@PLN         6A  O  8 24
     A            SSPLNN        20A  O  8 49
     A            SS@SUP         6A  O  9 24
     A            SSSUPN        20A  O  9 49
     A            SSEDS1        40A  O  6 24
     A            SSEDS2        40A  O  7 24
     A            SSWO#          6A  O  4 39DSPATR(UL)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  4  1' Work Order Details For Work 
     A                                       # '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  4 46'     -
     A                                       '
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                 13 17'Street Name (Partial)'
     A                                  2 26'Select Street # For Plug 
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  1 33'Main Sewer Plugs'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)

     A          R SMPGUDS1
     A*%%TS  DD  20041005  145408  RPower      REL-V5.0.1  WDSc
     A                                      SFL
     A            S1TACT        30   O  3  2
     A*%%GP SCREEN3    01
     A          R SMPGUDW1
     A*%%TS  DD  20041005  145758  RPower      REL-V5.0.1  WDSc
     A                                      SFLCTL(SMPGUDS1)
     A                                      SFLDSPCTL
     A  40                                  SFLDSP
     A                                      SFLPAG(6)
     A                                      SFLSIZ(9999)
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A                                      PUTOVR
     A                                      WINDOW(10 35 10 32)
     A                                      WDWTITLE((*TEXT ' 
Enter=Continue') +
     A                                      (*COLOR BLU) *BOTTOM)
     A  41                                  SFLCLR
     A  42                                  SFLEND(*MORE)
     A            RCD#1          4S 0H      SFLRCDNBR(CURSOR)
     A                                  1  9'Related Streets'
     A*%%GP SCREEN3    02

     A          R ASSUME 
     A                                      ASSUME 
     A                                  1  3' ' 

John Brandt 
(903) 523-0708 
Home of iS/ODBC - MSSQL access from iSeries and RPG. 

-----Original Message-----
From: RPower@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:RPower@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 9:36 AM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: Display files

Coding an application that shows a record, prompts for partial street 
name, calls another program to all street selection which is returned to 
my program which then displays a subfile window of related streets for 
info only.  Here's the problem, the record format that I was originally on 

is Gone, the window's borders are gone, and it's on a black background. 
Here's the code and the display file.  Any help would be appreciated.

RPG Code:
     ?* Loop until F2 pressed
     c                   DoU       *Inkb
     ?* Build library and screen name
     c                   Eval      Prgsys = %Trim(Pgmlib)+'/SMPGUDP2'
     c                   Exsr      Refresh_Time
     ?* Prompt for Street# to attach to Work Order
     c                   Exfmt     Smpgudp2
     ?* Call Cstinq for all streets
     c                   Call      'CSTINQ'
     c     Winbck        Parm      Nam34         Prmfld
     c                   Parm                    Wsfind
     c                   Parm      'N'           ShowAll
     ?* If user selected a street number from CSTINQ
     c                   If        Wsnumb > *Zeros
     c                   Exsr      Load_Street
     c                   Else
     c                   Iter
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Exsr      Proc_Street
     c                   EndDo 
     ?* Load_Street - Load streets to subfile to show possible affected
     c     Load_Street   BegSr
     ?* Clear subfile
     c                   Exsr      Clear_Sub1
     ?* Load subfile
     c                   Exsr      Load_Sub1
     ?* Display subfile
     c                   Eval      *In40 = *On
     c                   Eval      *In42 = *On
     c                   Exfmt     Smpgudw1
     c                   Eval      *In40 = *Off
     c                   Eval      *In42 = *Off
     c                   EndSr
     ?* Clear_Sub1 - Clear subfile 1
     c     Clear_Sub1    BegSr
     c                   Eval      Rrn1 = 0
     c                   Eval      Rcd#1 = 1
     c                   Eval      *In41 = *On
     c                   Write     Smpgudw1
     c                   Eval      *In41 = *Off
     c                   EndSr
     ?* Load_Sub1 - Load subfile 1
     c     Load_Sub1     BegSr
     c     Street_Num    Setll     Streets
     c     Street_Num    Reade     Streets
     c                   DoW       Not(%EOF(Streets))
     ?* Load actual street names
     c                   Eval      S1tact = Cstact
     c                   Eval      Rrn1 = Rrn1 + 1
     c                   Write     Smpguds1
     c     Street_Num    Reade     Streets
     c                   EndDo
     ?* If none written, write blank record
     c                   If        Rrn1 = 0
     c                   Eval      S1tact = 'None Found!'
     c                   Eval      Rrn1 = 1
     c                   Write     Smpguds1
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Endsr
Display file:
     A*%%GP SCREEN1    01
     A          R SMPGUDP2
     A*%%TS  DD  20041005  150713  RPower      REL-V5.0.1  WDSc
     A                                      CF02
     A  52
     AO 53
     AO 54
     AO 55                                  ALARM
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A            SYSNAM         8A  O  1  2
     A            DATYMD        10A  O  1 70
     A            PRGSYS        21A  O  2  2
     A            CURTIM         8A  O  2 72
     A                                  5  4'Entity #          :'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  6  4'Entity Description:'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  8  4'Planner Initials  :'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  8 32'Planner Name   :'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  9  4'Forperson Initials:'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  9 32'Foreperson Name:'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                 23  2'F2=Previous'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                 10  1'     -
     A     -
     A                                                 '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            SSTACT        30A  B 13 41
     A  53                                  DSPATR(RI)
     A  53                                  DSPATR(PC)
     A            SSENT#        20A  O  5 24
     A            SS@PLN         6A  O  8 24
     A            SSPLNN        20A  O  8 49
     A            SS@SUP         6A  O  9 24
     A            SSSUPN        20A  O  9 49
     A            SSEDS1        40A  O  6 24
     A            SSEDS2        40A  O  7 24
     A            SSWO#          6A  O  4 39DSPATR(UL)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  4  1' Work Order Details For Work 
     A                                       # '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  4 46'     -
     A                                       '
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                 13 17'Street Name (Partial)'
     A                                  2 26'Select Street # For Plug 
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  1 33'Main Sewer Plugs'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)

     A          R SMPGUDS1
     A*%%TS  DD  20041005  145408  RPower      REL-V5.0.1  WDSc
     A                                      SFL
     A            S1TACT        30   O  3  2
     A*%%GP SCREEN3    01
     A          R SMPGUDW1
     A*%%TS  DD  20041005  145758  RPower      REL-V5.0.1  WDSc
     A                                      SFLCTL(SMPGUDS1)
     A                                      SFLDSPCTL
     A  40                                  SFLDSP
     A                                      SFLPAG(6)
     A                                      SFLSIZ(9999)
     A                                      WINDOW(10 35 10 32)
     A                                      WDWTITLE((*TEXT ' 
Enter=Continue') +
     A                                      (*COLOR BLU) *BOTTOM)
     A  41                                  SFLCLR
     A  42                                  SFLEND(*MORE)
     A            RCD#1          4S 0H      SFLRCDNBR(CURSOR)
     A                                  1  9'Related Streets'
     A*%%GP SCREEN3    02

Ron Power
Information Services
City Of St. John's, NL
P.O. Box 908
St. John's, NL
A1C 5M2
Tel: 709-576-8132
Email: rpower@xxxxxxxxxx
Website: http://www.stjohns.ca/
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm. - 
Sir Winston Churchill

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