Hi! I am in a fight with 2 DSPF's that have been coded to handle both *DS3 and *DS4. Basic program flow: I call program OP3100R that has a DSPF that is coded as a SFL in *DS4 format. This works great. I then select an option that calls another program: OP3102R. This program utilizes a DSPF that is also a SFL but is in a window and is coded for both *DS3 and *DS4 format. In the *INZSR of OP3102R, I execute a procedure: GETCOMPANY that is in service program SRVPROMPT. The DSPF for this procedure is also coded to use both *DS3 AND *DS4 Formats. This procedure also executes the procedure: GETSCNSIZ in service program SRVUTIL to determine which screen size to use. It then presents a subfile in a window. Up to now, everything is working great. The first screen from OPI3100R is displayed in *DS4 and the procedure GETCOMPANY displays its window subfile in *DS4. I then select my enter from GETCOMPANY, close the DSPF and return to OPI3102R. I then execute the GETSCNSIZ procedure again to determine the screen size. But is returns the value for *DS3. Has anyone experienced this behavior and if so have you found a solution? I have provided snippets of code for you: OPI3102D: A DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3 - A 27 132 *DS4) A PRINT A CF01 A CF02 A CF03 A CF04 A CF05 A CF06 A CF07 A CF08 A CF09 A CF10 A CF11 A CF12 A CF13 A CF14 A CF15 A CF16 A CF17 A CF18 A CF19 A CF20 A CF21 A CF22 A CF23 A CF24 A PAGEDOWN A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A R DUMMY A ASSUME A KEEP A 1 2' ' A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A R WDWFORMAT A *DS3 WINDOW(*DFT 18 67 *NOMSGLIN) A *DS4 WINDOW(*DFT 18 67 *NOMSGLIN) A 90 DSPMOD(*DS4) A WDWTITLE((*TEXT &WDWTITLE) (*COLOR - A WHT) (*DSPATR HI RI)) A WDWTITLE 22A P A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A R SFLFMT01 SFL A LHGRPNAM 10A H A LHGRPDES 50A H A LHCHOICES 1Y 0H A* A LNSLCTN 63A O 6 2 A LNCHOICES 1Y 0H SFLCHCCTL A* A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A R CTLFMT01 SFLCTL(SFLFMT01) A *DS3 SFLPAG(0010) A *DS4 SFLPAG(0010) A *DS3 WINDOW(WDWFORMAT) A *DS4 WINDOW(WDWFORMAT) A 90 DSPMOD(*DS4) A SFLSIZ(&SCRSIZ1) A RTNCSRLOC(&SCRFMT &SCRFLD &SCRPOS) A CSRLOC(@CSRLOCROW @CSRLOCCOL) A SFLCSRRRN(&@SFLCSRRRN) A SFLDSPCTL A 30 SFLDSP A 31 SFLCLR A 31 SFLDLT A 91 SFLEND(*MORE) A OVERLAY A SFLMLTCHC(&@PRFSLCTD *RSTCSR) A @SFLSCROLL 5S 0H SFLSCROLL A @SFLRCDNBR 4S 0H SFLRCDNBR A SCRSIZ1 5S 0P A @SFLCSRRRN 5S 0H A SCRFMT 10A H A SCRFLD 10A H A SCRPOS 4S 0H A @CSRLOCROW 3S 0H A @CSRLOCCOL 3S 0H A @PRFSLCTD 4Y 0H A 1 1'Cpy.:' A COLOR(WHT) A SCCPY 3S 0O 1 7 A 1 11'-' A SCCPYDES 25A O 1 13 A SCRPROG 23A O 1 45 A 2 1'User:' A COLOR(WHT) A SCUSRNAM 10A O 2 7 A 2 18'-' A SCUSRDES 48A O 2 20 A 4 37'Position to:' A SCRPSET 10A B 4 50ENTFLDATR((*DSPATR RI)) A DSPATR(HI) A DSPATR(UL) A 5 2'Group' A COLOR(WHT) A 5 15'Description' A COLOR(WHT) A* A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A R DSPFMT01 A *DS3 WINDOW(WDWFORMAT) A *DS4 WINDOW(WDWFORMAT) A 90 DSPMOD(*DS4) A PSHBTTN01 2Y 0B 17 2PSHBTNFLD A PSHBTNCHC(3 'E>xit' CF03) A PSHBTNCHC(09 'Se>lect Cpy' CF09) A PSHBTNCHC(10 'Cu>rsor' CF10) A PSHBTNCHC(12 '>Cancel' CF12) A SCMSG 65A O 18 2COLOR(WHT) RPG Program: OP3102R: H/TITLE OP3102R - Assign/Unassign Groups H BNDDIR('DLL') H ACTGRP('QILE') H OPTION(*SRCSTMT:*NODEBUGIO) H ALWNULL(*USRCTL) H DFTNAME(OP3102R) FOP3102D CF E WORKSTN INFDS(SCRDS) F SFILE(SFLFMT01:V_RRN1) FOPUSRGRPM1IF E K DISK FOPUSRGRPD1UF A E K DISK FCPYMST IF E K DISK WRITE WDWFORMAT; WRITE DSPFMT01; EXFMT CTLFMT01; (A LOT OF CODE HAS BEEN REMOVED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS EMAIL) *INLR = *ON; //'-------------------------------------------------------------------- //' //' *INZSR - Initialization Subroutine //'----------------------------------- BEGSR *INZSR; //' ----- ------- //' //' Select a Company to Work With //' PO_Cpy = *ZEROS; PO_CpyDes = *BLANKS; V_KyCpy = SELECTCPY(PO_Cpy PO_CpyDes); //' //' Retrieve calling pgm Screen Size and set correct screen size in OP3102D //' V_ScreenSize = GETSCNSIZ; SELECT; WHEN V_ScreenSize = '*DS3'; *IN90 = *OFF; WHEN V_ScreenSize = '*DS4'; *IN90 = *ON; OTHER; *IN90 = *OFF; ENDSL; WdwTitle = 'Assign/Unassign Groups'; WRITE WDWFORMAT; ENDSR; /END-FREE DSPF for SELECTCPY: A DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3 - A 27 132 *DS4) A PRINT A CF01 A CF02 A CF03 A CF04 A CF05 A CF06 A CF07 A CF08 A CF09 A CF10 A CF11 A CF12 A CF13 A CF14 A CF15 A CF16 A CF17 A CF18 A CF19 A CF20 A CF21 A CF22 A CF23 A CF24 A PAGEDOWN A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A R DUMMY A ASSUME A KEEP A 1 2' ' A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A* Select Company Window Format A* A R CPYWDWFMT A *DS3 WINDOW(*DFT 19 35 *NOMSGLIN) A *DS4 WINDOW(*DFT 19 35 *NOMSGLIN) A 90 DSPMOD(*DS4) A WDWBORDER((*COLOR WHT)) A WDWTITLE((*TEXT ' Select Company ')- A (*COLOR WHT) (*DSPATR RI) *CENTER) A* A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A* SELECT COMPANY Subfile A* A R CPYSFL SFL A LHCPY 3Y 0H A LHDSC 25A H A* A LNCOMPANY 31 O 2 2 A LNCHOICE 1Y 0H SFLCHCCTL A*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A* A* Select COMPANY Subfile Control A* A R CPYCTL SFLCTL(CPYSFL) A *DS3 SFLPAG(0016) A *DS4 SFLPAG(0016) A *DS3 WINDOW(CPYWDWFMT) A *DS4 WINDOW(CPYWDWFMT) A 90 DSPMOD(*DS4) A OVERLAY A SFLCSRRRN(&CPYCSRRRN) A RTNCSRLOC(&CPYRCDNAM &CPYFLDNAM) A CSRLOC(CPYROW CPYCOL) A 30 SFLDSP A SFLDSPCTL A 31 SFLDLT A 31 SFLCLR A 30 SFLEND(*MORE) A SFLSIZ(&CPYSFLSIZ) A SFLSNGCHC(*RSTCSR) A CPYRCDNBR 4S 0H SFLRCDNBR(CURSOR) A CPYSCROLL 5S 0H SFLSCROLL A CPYRCDNAM 10A H A CPYFLDNAM 10A H A CPYROW 3S 0H A CPYCOL 3S 0H A CPYCSRRRN 5S 0H A CPYSFLSIZ 5S 0P A CPYPSHBTN 2Y 0B 19 2PSHBTNFLD A PSHBTNCHC(12 'Cancel' CF12) RPG Code for SELECTCPY: /TITLE SRVPROMPT - Prompt and Select Functions H NOMAIN H DFTNAME(SRVPROMPT) H OPTION(*SRCSTMT : *NODEBUGIO) FCPYMST IF E DISK USROPN FSRVPROMPTDCF E WORKSTN INFDS(SCRDS) SFILE(CPYSFL:V_CPYRRN) F USROPN '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Prototypes '* D SelectCPY PR 3S 0 D PI_Company 3S 0 D PI_CpyDes 25A '* '* '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Global Data Structures '* D/COPY QRPGLESRC,PGMSDS D/COPY QRPGLESRC,DSPFDS D/COPY QRPGLESRC,DSPFATTRDS '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Global Variables '* D V_CpyRRn S 3S 0 INZ(*ZEROS) '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Start of Procedure: SelectCPY '* P SelectCPY B EXPORT '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Procedure Interface '* D SelectCPY PI 3S 0 D PI_Cpy 3S 0 D PI_CpyDesc 25A '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Local Tables and Arrays '* '* '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Local Standalone Variables '* D N_GotOne S N INZ(*OFF) D N_ForceExit S N INZ(*OFF) '* D V_RtrnCpy S 3S 0 INZ(*ZEROS) D V_Size S 4A INZ(*BLANKS) '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Local Data Structures '* '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* Prototypes '* /COPY QRPGLESRC,GETSCNSIZ '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- '* NonExecutable '* '* '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- /FREE /'---------------------------------------------------------------------- /' Mainline // // //' Open Files // IF NOT %OPEN(CPYMST); OPEN CPYMST; ENDIF; IF NOT %OPEN(SRVPROMPTD); V_Size = GETSCNSIZ; SELECT; WHEN V_Size = '*DS3'; *IN90 = *OFF; WHEN V_Size = '*DS4'; *IN90 = *ON; OTHER; *IN90 = *OFF; ENDSL; OPEN SRVPROMPTD; ENDIF; //' //' Initialize Window Format //' WRITE CPYWDWFMT; //' //' Reset Subfile Processing Fields //' V_CpyRRn = *ZEROS; CpySflSiz = *ZEROS; CpyRcdNbr = 1; //' //' Initialize Subfile //' *IN30 = *OFF; *IN31 = *ON; WRITE CPYCTL; *IN31 = *OFF; //' //' Set File Pointer //' // SETLL *ZEROS CPYMST; //' //' Load Subfile Loop //' READ CPYMST; DOW NOT %EOF(CPYMST); IF %SCAN('DO NOT USE':CPADSC) = *ZEROS; IF %SCAN('AVAILABLE':CPADSC) = *ZEROS; LhCpy = CPACPY; LhDsc = CPADSC; LnCompany = %CHAR(CPACPY) + '-' + %TRIM(CPADSC); //' //' If Input Parameter PI_Cpy is not ZEROS then indicate by setting //' LNCHOICE field as selected for input Company //' IF PI_Cpy <> *ZEROS AND LhCpy = PI_Cpy; LnChoice = 1; ELSE; LnChoice = 0; ENDIF; V_CpyRRn = V_CpyRRn + 1; WRITE CPYSFL; ENDIF; ENDIF; READ CPYMST; ENDDO; //' //' No Records Found //' IF V_CpyRRn = *ZEROS; LnCompany = 'NO RECORDS'; LnChoice = 4; V_CpyRRn = 1; WRITE CPYSFL; N_ForceExit = *ON; ENDIF; *IN30 = *ON; CpySflSiz = V_CpyRRn; //' //' Main Processing Loop //' DOU FKey = F12; WRITE CPYWDWFMT; EXFMT CPYCTL; IF N_ForceExit; FKey = F12; ENDIF; IF CpyCsrRRn <> *ZEROS AND CpyCsrRRn <= CpySflSiz; CpyRcdNbr = CpyCsrRRn; ELSE; CpyRcdNbr = CpyScroll; ENDIF; SELECT; WHEN FKey = F12; WHEN FKey = Enter; FOR V_CpyRRn = 1 BY 1 TO CpySflSiz; CHAIN V_CpyRRn CPYSFL; IF %FOUND(SRVPROMPTD); IF LnChoice = 1; V_RtrnCpy = LhCpy; PI_CpyDes = LhCpyDes; N_GotOne = *ON; V_CpyRRN = CpySflSiz + 1; ENDIF; ENDIF; ENDFOR; ENDSL; IF N_GotOne; FKey = F12; ENDIF; ENDDO; CLOSE(E) CPYMST; CLOSE(E) SRVPROMPTD; RETURN V_RtrnCpy; /END-FREE '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- P SelectCPY E '* '* End of Procedure: Select Company '*---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
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