A February thread in this list described how to use 'rundll32.exe' via STRPCCMD
to access PC documents from an RPG application. This works well, but rundll32
only provides one parameter - the file name.
Executing the command: STRPCCMD PCCMD('rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler
"mysheet.xls"') does indeed call Excel from a green-screen app, but does not
permit passing the /r 'read only' switch that prevents users from altering the
document. We would like to prevent that.
Microsoft document;en-us;283225 indicates the
"url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" technique is old-school and
"shell32.dll,ShellExecute" should be used instead. It appears that
does allow params to be passed, but I'll be darned if it will work for me.
Any number of variations of the string:
"STRPCCMD PCCMD('rundll32 shell32.dll,ShellExecute
0,"open","z:\mysheet.xls","/r","",5') " have been tried but they all end up with
a Windows error box "An exception occurred while trying to run
"shell32.dll,ShellExecute...". Am I just having trouble with single- and
double-quotes or is there something fundamentally deeper that I don't understand
about passing params to PC programs?
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