Straight from:
Section 3.5.2 "Replacing the *ENTRY PLIST.
What I didn't see covered was a couple of suggestions as to how to store
the prototypes.
There are three school of thoughts.
1 - Hardcode it into every program that calls this subprogram. Take these
programmers and relegate them to working only on debugging 10,000 line
matching record programs that use every possible indicator out there -
including the halt indicators. These (expletive deleted) wouldn't be
likely to use your prototypes anyway. (see funny url at bottom)
2 - Store the prototype in a separate member and do a
/copy qprotosrc,... where ... is the name of the subprogram
3 - Use "compiler directives in the source for the called program. The
callING program may have
/define prototypesonly
/copy qrpglesrc,... where ... is the name of the subprogram
/undefine prototypesonly
and the callED program may have
/if not defined prototypesonly
... H specs, F specs, etc
Now the D specs for the prototype. (just the PR part, not the PI part)
/if defined prototypesonly
/eof ... the eof causes it to skip the rest of the source
To help transition people, I often code *ENTRY PLIST way off to the right
in the comment section of the prototype.
Now, for some light Friday reading...
Rob Berendt
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