john e wrote:
4. RE: Multi- Occurrence Data Structure (john e)
date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 11:26:33 +0100
I don't know if it's "official" (whatever that means) but i would say
that MODS should be considered depricated and the use of it is bad
practice, for several reasons.
Except, of course, for cases where nothing else will do well but a MODS.
I've twice run into large old programs that needed enhancements where
complex data structures needed to be duplicated. (Complex -- think of
mandated federal reporting standards.) The enhanced structures were
essentially like two records, e.g., a before- and after-image.
I could have made them into arrays and gone through every bleepin'
reference for each subfield through the program source and added an
array index qualifier if I had time, but no time was allocated for such
extensive work. Likewise, I could have created new fields -- SaveFld1,
SaveFld2, SaveFld3, etc. -- and added code to save the old values, done
the work, restored the old values, etc.; but again, the time for
extensive change was limited. Thousands of lines of code; many, many
field references.
It was _far_ easier simply to give the structure an OCCURS(2) and set
the occurrence number when needed in the added enhancement sections.
There was no need for mucking around changing source that I wasn't
actually 'changing'. The programs were old and ugly already; I made only
a minor additional increase in ugliness.
I know that's not a ringing endorsement of MODS, but they sure came in
On a side note, I actually had a good reason to use record-identifying
indicators and The Cycle a couple weeks back. I was thinking of many
possible ways to do the work, including text-processing in REXX which
was the leading candidate until I remembered record IDs. In the end,
good ol' basic obsolete RPG was far and away the best method.
Every once in a while, the oddest features of a language can be useful.
Tom Liotta
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