Hi Tom,
Nothing gets sent. No e-mail at all. I THINK it's supposed to be creating
a temporary file, which will contain the encoded pdf file, but then the
header needs to reflect that somehow. I changed the text/csv to text/pdf,
out of ignorance mostly.
I'm not sure what you mean by "nothing gets sent. no mail at all"??? Do
you mean that it shuts down your mail service and nobody can send mail
anymore, no matter who is sending mail or how they're sending it?
Or do you mean that the message you're trying to send isn't sent? And
if so... are you using QtmmSendMail? Or my SMTPR4 service program? Do
you get an error? If so, what does it say? If you're using SMTPR4
and have logging turned on, what does it show in the log? If you're
using QTmmSendMail, what does it show in the journals?
There has to be SOMETHING more to see than "nothing gets sent".
I'm not sure I understand the bit about it creating a temporary file...
Obviously, you need to create an e-mail message to send to someone,
that was the point this, right? QtmmSendMail requires that you create
the e-mail message in a stream file in the IFS, then tell QTmmSendMail
the path name... so typically you create a temporary file, put your
message in it, and then tell QtmmSendMail to send it. Is that what
you're referring to?
This file SHOULD create the base64-encoded PDF document. After all, you
want it to be a part of the message you're sending.
I don't understand the bit about the headers... I mean, I assume you
copied my existing ATTACH program, which had the info in the headers.
Obviously, you have to change the MIME type to application/pdf from
text/csv. And you have to change the filename, most likely.... and you
can skip the CPYTOIMPF since the PDF file is already in the IFS...
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