I assume you have TEST1 defined as USROPN on the F spec and are opening the file after the override is executed?
derek gonsalves <d_gons@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am trying to override a file in my rpg program usig the QCMDEXC command,
While running in debug mode, the files do get overridden, and when i check the job log(in debug mode) option 15- Display file overrides, if active , it shows that my file has been overridden.
However , this is not true as records present in the overriden library are not being fetched.
The code used is as follows
Field declarations
DQcmdCmd S 100 DOvrDBFPr PR ExtPgm('QCMDEXC') DCmdString 100 Options(*Varsize) DCmdLength 15P 5 Const
$Ovrride Begsr Eval QcmdCmd='OVRDBF FILE(Test1) TOFILE- ('+%TRIM(Lib_Name) +'/Test1) SHARE- (*YES)' CallP OvrDBFPr(QcmdCmd : %Len(QcmdCmd))
Here Lib_Name is the name of the library name which the file has to overriden with.
Any suggestions as to why records are not fetched from the overriden library. Is ther any other way to check if it is pointing to the file in the required library?
Thanks in advance for all your suggestions,
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