On 21/10/2008, at 11:32 PM, Charles Wilt wrote:
The problem turn out to be that I did indeed have more that 256 input
capable fields defined on the screen at once. Basically, on a 27x132
screen I had a 15 row subfile with 17 fields plus 4 fields at the top
of the screen...17*15+4 = 259.
In case anyone wants to know the details:
The subfile was generated (by a code generator) with B-usage fields
and DSPATR(PR) in effect. This means they are input-capable fields
that have been disabled. PC5250 is counting them as input-capable
because they are created with the Start Of Field Order. DSPATR(PR)
causes the bypass bit in the Field Format Word to be set causing the
field to have input disabled.
Powerterm displays the screen successfully. This is possibly due to:
a) it is not sending a negative response when the number of input-
capable fields it receives exceeds 256
b) it is not checking the number of input-capable fields it receives
c) it treats bypass fields as not being input-capable
d) it may inform the host that it can handle more than 256 input-
capable fields via its response to the hosts 5250 Query Command.
Only a trace of the Powerterm data stream will determine which of
these possibilities is correct.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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