XML-SAX is an RPG op-code added in V5R4.
You cannot provide input by specifying a pointer and length (no matter
how the memory is allocated). You can provide an RPG string, or an IFS
If you use an RPG string, it's limited to 65535 -- which was the source
of this thread. The OP wanted to know how to exceed that 65535
limitation. Since the XML-SAX op-code looks at the size of the RPG
variable, NOT some external length that you pass it, it doesn't matter
whether the data is allocated in automatic storage, heap storage, or
teraspace, you still can't exceed 65535 (without upgrading to V6R1, that
However, it WILL read IFS stream files that are longer than 65535 -- and
since a user space can be treated as an IFS stream file, the OP could
read his data into the user space, then provide the IFS path to the user
space to make XML-SAX work.
I don't understand why you brought up teraspace, since the data is
smaller than 16MB, the diff between teraspace and an SLS space is
irrelevant here. Further, even if he did need to exceed 16MB, teraspace
won't work with XML-SAX, since there's no way to tell it that the data
is longer than 65535 unless the data is in an IFS stream file. I
suppose if the 16MB did end up being a problem, he could read from MQ
into teraspace (assuming MQ supports teraspace, that is) and then write
it to a stream file (Which supports data longer than 16MB, while a user
space does not) and then input that stream file into XML-SAX... but this
all seems irrelevant to me, given that the data is only 800k long.
So your suggestion of SNL's "never mind" seems to apply here.
Steve Richter wrote:
what exactly is XML-SAX? Does it work with malloc allocated memory? If
it does, it would work with teraspace allocated memory. If it
doesn't, then in the words of the long ago character from saturday
night live, "never mind".
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