Although this isn't an RPG question, I'll answer...
QMQRY is a strange and wonderful thing. I use it often to select data for reports, spreadsheets, etc. But, it does have a few quirks. I wrote an article about it a few years ago which details the process of converting queries to SQL/QMQRY, the problem you're having, and the solution:
When passing values to QMQRY, think "text". So, if you want to pass in a numeric value, convert it to text first, then pass that text value in. If you want to pass in an alpha value, you may need to include quote characters around the data, depending on how it is used.
Values passed into QMQRY are really not "variables", but substitution strings. Consider the following:
Select field1
From myfile
Where fieldx = &VALUE
If "fieldx" is a numeric field, you want the "where" clause to read: where fieldx = 123 (or even 0000123). You must pass a character version of the value 123 into QMQRY to do this.
If "fieldx" is a character field, you want the "where" clause to read: where fieldx = 'ABC'. You must pass a character field of minimum length 5 to contain not only your value, but the beginning and ending quote characters.
I hope this helps,
--Bruce Guetzkow
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