I have been attempting to declare a file local to a sub-procedure just to
see how it operates, etc.
However, I am having a problem getting this to compile. The compiler
keeps throwing errors from:
*RNF2580 30 1 The File Designation entry is not valid for a file
in a subprocedure; the specification is ignored.
*RNF0258 30 1 Form-Type entry is not valid for subprocedures, or is
out of
Here is the two ways I have coded the declaration so if I am doing
something wrong, please feel free to point it out:
0170.00 PCalcCII b Export
0171.00 D PI 2 0
0171.01 dwItem 7 0
0172.00 dwType 1a
0173.01 FIoritemm ip e k disk
0173.02 DGetCustRec DS LikeRec(Ioritem1)
0174.00 DzCnt s 2 0
METHOD B - which I got from
0170.00 PCalcCII b Export
0170.01 FIoritemm ip e k disk
0171.00 D PI 2 0
0171.01 dwItem 7 0
0172.00 dwType 1a
0173.02 DGetCustRec DS LikeRec(Ioritem1)
0174.00 DzCnt s 2 0
It does not like the F spec or so it seems......
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