Other common problems are forgetting a leading / and using a \ instead of a / to separate directories. Also, if a different user is running the email command, a permissions problem will cause this.
Besides using one of the shells to check the path, you can also use the WRKLNK command.
Spaces (especially leading ones) in file and directory names can be irrating if you don't notice them. One of the things you can do with WRKLNK is drill down into the directory with the file you want, find the file, place the cursor over it and press F20. This will show the full path to the file.
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pete Hall [pete@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 11:21 PM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: A problem with path to IFS file
Marvin Radding wrote:
A coworker is trying to use his home directory to store a file in
preparation for attaching it to an email. His frustration at this time
is that when he executes the command the MAIL command is erroring out
with a 'No such path or directory'. I am wondering if a tilde (~)
should be used. Does the tilde (~) mean the same thing from the AS/400
environment as it does in the QSH environment?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure about the tilde. I don't think it has any special significance
at all. When folks have trouble in my shop, it's usually been embedded
blanks in the path, or even in the file name. Try opening QSH and going
to "/home/<whatever>" then doing a "ls <filename>". If that works, it
might be the path he's constructing. If it doesn't, it's probably the
filename itself. I don't remember if /home is case sensitive. That might
be an issue too.
- --
Pete Hall
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