I've received help on the FTPAPI list with a program I'm working on that creates an XML document using CGIDEV2 and then sends to an FTP server using HTTPAPI.
Since this question is about the CGIDEV2 and the XML itself, I think this is the right list to send to. If I'm sending to the wrong list, please let me know.
Apparently, my XML document needs header information, something called a "MIME header." Included in the MIME header is a field called "Content-length" which I believe is the byte count of the entire XML document. I don't know yet if that includes or excludes the MIME header itself.
How do I get the length of the XML document?
I thought it might be ContLen field, but wherever I check it, it's zero. I'm not sure if I need to do anything to cause that to load.
Here's what's in my code...
callp http_debug(*ON);
callp ClrHtmlBuffer();
callp gethtml('HTMLSRC':'MYLIB':'MYDOC':'<as400>');
callp UpdHtmlVar('VAR1':VAR1);
(a whole series of those...)
CodePage = 819;
XML_Output = 'TestFile1.xml';
len = contlen;
callp wrtsection('NEWORD');
rc = WrtHtmlToStmf(XML_Output:CodePage);
ContentType = 'text/xml';
len = contlen;
rc = http_url_post_stmf('
https://xxx.xxx.xxx' +
: '/home/xxx/TestFile1.xml'
: '/home/xxx/ReplyFile1.xml'
: ContentType );
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