On 13/05/2010, at 4:26 AM, Wintermute, Sharon wrote:
I can get a /include version to work at the main level, but once you
nested within procedures it doesn't work very well. It looks like I
need to interrogate the call stack in order to get back to the initial
PEP. Am I headed in the right direction?
Each procedure adds a level to the call stack. Your procedure needs to
handle that by either allowing the caller to specify the target
information (call stack entry, call level, stack qualifier, etc.) or
derive it.
The entry point of all ILE programs can be derived programmatically
without bothering about the call stack itself.
The various compilers generate the name of the Program Entry
Procedure. For some languages it is a fixed constant. For others it is
a concatenation of a fixed constant plus the module name. RPG uses a
prefix of _QRNP_PEP_ concatenated with the entry module name.
Specifying the PEP name or *PGMBDY usually works well.
I often allow the caller to specify * or *PRV to allow them to choose
whether the message is sent to the named call stack entry (i.e. PEP)
or its caller. Using * works well in interactive programs if the
message subfile program queue is set to the same name. Using *PRV
works well for *ESCAPE messages.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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