Interestingly, the documented code causes the debugger to fail on EVAL USER2
as well as EVAL %VAR(USER2) on a 6.1 system when written in free format
Dprogstat SDS
D user 254 263
Duser2 s 10 inz(*user)
dsply user;
dsply user2;
with CPF7E56 - Identifier is ambiguous
So, while "*This message is no longer issued on R610" it still causes
problems at 6.1, just slightly differently, depending on how the code is
I'm not sure why USER2 is ambiguous. Anyone any ideas?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Luis Rodriguez" <luisro58@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "RPG programming on the IBM i / System i" <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: Syntax error help
This error is documented on a IBM tech doc, which can be found here:
Error message CPF7E15 will be received when pressing F11 or using EVAL to
display a variable if the variable name is a reserved word that is used in
the system debugger.
The following example re-creates the problem:
*************** Beginning of data
d progstat sds
d user 254 263
d user2 s 10 inz(*user)
c user dsply
c user2 dsply
c seton lr
****************** End of data
Steps used to demonstrate the issue:
1Start debug on the program.2Step to the first executable statement.3Press
F11 on the variable 'user'. Message CPF7E15 is received. The cause of the
error is that 'user' is a reserved word in the system debugger.To evaluate
the value of the variable, you must use EVAL %VAR(user).
*Note: *This message is no longer issued on R610.
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