Further, a contract is only as good as the character of the parties who
are signing it and the authorities (i.e., government officials) who, if
need be, will enforce it.
date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 09:30:18 -0400
from: "Dennis Lovelady" <iseries@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Future of RPG was: Open Access for RPG
I see this discussion of trust and cloud computing, ownership of data and
all... it really piques my interest. Here's the thing I keep looking for
and have yet to find. Same applies to my personal data.
OK, so I go to a trusted company, I sign a contract. Now if they do
something untoward, I have someone to sue. Well, I guess that's some
comfort. But the larger issue is, what if that company is in some
where the contract cannot be enforced from your country? What happens if
your contract company is sold into such a country? What if they move the
company into such a country? What protection do you have then?
Dennis Lovelady
"Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves."
-- Abraham Lincoln
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