I am using Scott's HTTP Api to attempt to write to a Rest Server.
In all the previous projects that I have done using this api, the targets
where outside the company servers but this server was created by a
consultant and he tells me that it is a Rest Server.
I am using the HTTP_Url_Get_XML to send the following
The request chain that is being sent to it looks like the following:
GET /cre_freitrater/rest/freitrater/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: cre-freitrater:8080
User-Agent: http-api/1.23
I am getting back a 500 response saying that there was an internal server
I can type the same string (the first string) into the browser and it runs
without a hitch.
This is probably a Scott question but what has to be done different for REST
server than a regular HTTP server?. According to what I have read it just
uses regular HTTP protocols.
Can anyone point me to an article on writing a Rest Client in RPG?
Any help would be appreciated.
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