This has been a most fascinating thread!
From what I can tell from the posts so far there is a wide range of experiences with regard to the adoption of the rational IDEs. There is indeed a range of attitudes towards the perceived benefits gained from moving from SEU to a graphical IDE.
I can only speak from my experiences, but I would like to share them:
I have used and loved SEU for many many many years. I couldn't stand SDA, and never used it or RLU. I moved over to WDSCi about the time I started coding in java (2002/3?). I agree that the product wasn't as tailored to the RPG mind-set as SEU was. But I'd argue that the RPG mind-set was probably shaped by SEU more than we realise.
At my current employer our developers do not use SEU - they all use RDi or RDP. We ran courses for the SEU advocates and provided alternatives/equivalents for all the shortcuts and rat-runs they had developed over the years using SEU. Our younger developers have only coded using RDi or RDP and couldn't imagine using anything else.
I am with the younger developers on this: I couldn't imagine working without an outline view, or not being able to view many source members at the same time, or not having content assist, or not being able to work on my java, xml, jsp, and RPG code in the same place, or.., or...
But then I now have a mind-set shaped by eclipse and netbeans, not SEU. My expectations of what an IDE should be are shaped accordingly.
Was it worth it for us to move our whole development pool over to RDi/RDP and retire SEU? You better believe it! It was worth every cent. I can guarantee they are more productive, after the initial dip when first crossing over.
Larry Ducie
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