On 30-Jun-2011 20:37 , Mike Wills wrote:
I like this solution. Can I specify a record on 6.1? I'll have to
look next Thursday when I get back to work.
The 7.1 doc link was just because I already had that version of the
InfoCenter open. Here is v5r4 CREATE TABLE showing RCDFMT clause and
syntax "RCDFMT format-name":
Thus the following two CREATE TABLE create SQL database *FILE objects
with different names, but the same Record Format Name of MYRCDFMTNM; and
given the same column-list and column definitions, the same Record
Format Level Identifier:
create table XT20110630 (...) rcdfmt MYRCDFMTNM
create table XT20110701 (...) rcdfmt MYRCDFMTNM
So the RCDFMT clause has been available on the CREATE TABLE statement
since v5r4. The clause is available on other CREATE statements which
create database *FILE objects as well [CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY, CREATE
VIEW, ¿though perhaps not CREATE INDEX? until v6r1 where the limited
column list capabilities and the WHERE clause were added].
Prior to that release [or at least prior to support for that clause]
the means to accomplish the same was to perform both a CREATE and then a
RENAME. The name used in the CREATE would be the record format name, a
name reserved for the [non-concurrent] application doing the CREATE to
avoid conflicts. The to-name on the RENAME would be the desired final
name of the TABLE:
On one day the requests are:
create table MYRCDFMTNM (...)
rename table MYRCDFMTNM TO SYSTEM NAME XT20110630
On the next day the requests are:
create table MYRCDFMTNM (...)
rename table MYRCDFMTNM TO SYSTEM NAME XT20110701
The effect is that both file names XT20110630 and XT20110701 have the
same record format name of MYRCDFMTNM. Much easier with the RCDFMT
clause since that became available.
Regards, Chuck
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