I'm not sure, but I think it's possible to replace S36 multi-format
flat files with a combination of externally described native single
format PF and multi-format logicals.
Looks like IBM even had some tools:
* CVTBASSTR (Convert S/36 Stream File)
* CVTBASUNF (Convert S/36 Unformatted File)
* CVTBGUDTA (Convert BGU Data)
* CVTS36CFG (Convert S/36 Configuration)
* CVTS36FCT (Convert S/36 Forms Control Table)
* CVTS36JOB (Convert S/36 Migration Job)
* CVTS36QRY (Convert S/36 Query)
* CVTS38JOB (Convert S/38 Migration Job)
But looks they were part of the options withdrawn in v5r3...
4.1 S/36 and S/38 Migration (Option 4) and S/36 Migration Assistant
(Option 11)
S/36 and S/38 Migration (Option 4) and S/36 Migration Assistant (Option
11) have been withdrawn effective with V5R3.
All displays, files, programs and messages related to these two options
have been removed.
But there's always 3rd parties...
Here's a couple cheap ($2000 - $2500) tools that will do it for you
and convert your S36 RPG to
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