On 2012/3/23 11:28 AM, John Yeung wrote:
For the *USA format, %DATE handles single digits for both month and
That's not a documented feature. RPG officially requires that the month
and day each have two digits, with leading zeros if necessary.
I'd assume it wasn't supported, and massage the character value so that
it was in mm/dd/yyyy form, and then use %DATE.
The work to massage the value into a correct form for %DATE could
actually do the full conversion, but I'd still use %DATE to get the
D iso ds
D yyyy 4s 0
D mm 2s 0
D dd 2s 0
D start s 10i 0 inz(1)
mm = getDatePart(string : start : '/');
dd = getDatePart(string : start : '/');
yyyy = getDatePart(string : start : '/');
isoDate = %date(iso : *iso0);
P getDatePart b
D getDatePart pi 10i 0
D string 10a varying const
D start 10i 0
D sep 1a const
D pos s 10i 0
D len s 10i 0
D val s 10a varying
if start > %len(string);
return 0;
pos = %scan(sep : string : start);
if pos = 0;
val = %subst(string : start);
start = %len(string) + 1;
len = pos - start;
val = %subst(string : start : len);
start = pos + 1;
return %int(val);
P getDatePart e
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