Hi Michael,
On 4/16/2012 3:08 PM, Michael Schutte wrote:
store = StorePrompt();
status = StatusPrompt();
Both prompts would display a list in a window.
In my opinion, this isn't a good design.
a) The procedures StorePrompt and StatusPrompt do two things: (1) they
perform the business/database logic needed to get a list of potential
values for a field and (2) they perform the UI logic to load, display
and read the results of a screen/window.
In my opinion, a subprocedure should serve one purpose so this should be
divided into two procedures.
b) What if you needed a list of (for example) valid stores for some
other purpose besides an F4=Prompt screen? With your design, you'd have
to re-code the logic to retrieve the values. If the business rules ever
change, now you have two (or more) places to re-code the logic. (This
is strongly related to reason "a", above)
c) What if you wanted to use a different UI besides green screen?! Since
your business logic and display logic are intermixed, you'd have to
rewrite the logic.
d) Mixing completely unrelated business logic together in the same
service program will definitely become awkward. You will have the
potential (depending on how you design the file access) for hundreds of
files to be opened when you only needed one.
e) Mixing so many unrelated functions together also makes maintenance
more difficult. This object has to be re-tested and re-promoted each
time you change any of the internal "prompt procedures." With hundreds
of them included, this might mean that this service program is replaced
frequently for completely unrelated purposes. This makes it likely that
two programmers will need to make changes at the same time to the same
f) It doesn't make any sense to me that these are grouped together
purely because they're both invoked by "F4=Prompt"? Is the fact that
they both prompt for information REALLY the defining characteristic of
each? Example: you have a procedure described as "choosing a store
number" -- what's the most important part of that description? Is it
"choosing"? Or "store number"? I'd definitely say the latter. But,
you seem to think the fact that the user is choosing something is the
defining characteristic... and I can't agree with that. When you
finally graduate into a modern display paradigm, are you going to have a
ListBox service program with all list box procedures, and a RadioButton
service program will all procedures that use that, and a SpinButton
service program will all procedures that use spin buttons? Seems to me
it's more important to group by business function rather than the type
of UI panel you are using.
In my opinion, this isn't a good design.
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