On 2012/7/6 1:07 AM, Roger Harman wrote:
I believe %abs() returns a floating point. You might try wrapping it to
cast to int.
Weight = 10 - %int(%abs(lenpk - lenrd)); // or %inth() depending on your
%int will work, but not because %abs() returns a floating point. (If
%abs did return a floating point, it wouldn't fail with an overflow
error like Alan is seeing.)
Here's what's happening:
%abs() returns the same type as its operand except that if the operand
is an integer, %abs() returns an unsigned integer.
When a numeric literal with no decimal places, like 10, is used with an
unsigned integer, the numeric literal is considered to be an unsigned
integer literal.
The result of a subtraction between unsigned integers is also an
unsigned integer. The result of 10 - %abs() is -3, which gives the
overflow error.
You wouldn't need %inth in this case, because if lenpk or lenrd are
decimal or float values, the result of %abs would also be decimal or
float, and the unsigned-overflow problem wouldn't occur.
The reason for unsigned subtraction (and other unsigned operations)
returning unsigned values is that if they returned integer, it would
cause expressions with very large unsigned values not to be able to
handle values bigger than the maximum value for an integer.
The compiler _could_ have used packed as the result of any operation
between integer or unsigned values, but then it would have lost the
performance benefit of using integers.
Whether that performance benefit outweighs this kind of annoying and
confusing behaviour is something I'm not sure of. But I don't think it
would be a good idea to add an option to say that all arithmetic
operations should have packed temporary results. An RPG programmer would
still have to realize what the problem is before they knew that was a
solution, but once the programmer knows what the problem is, there are
already lots of ways to get around it.
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