hi Rob,
I see Barbara has already explained why you're getting the MCH1210
(trying to assign -2 to an unsigned intermediate result.)
But, I would also like you to think about how you're handling the
DrillDownDir parameter, because the way you're doing it seems a little
1) Why limit the length to 640? Technically a pathname can be as large
as 16mb. Though, CL commands typically use TYPE(*PNAME) LEN(5000). I
would recommend using 5000 as the length unless you have a good reason
not to. (Such as compatibility with other software that you can't change.)
2) Why use a fixed-length string? This seems like a bad idea, since the
trailing blanks that are automatically added to fixed-length strings
will muck up the IFS APIs. (This is why you need to do something kludgy
like DirectoryName=%trim(DirectoryName) + x'00') Consider using VARYING.
3) Assuming your program does not modify the DirectoryName/DrillDownDir
(and it shouldn't) please consider using CONST to make that clear.
So I would do this (and make the PR match):
D DirectoryName 5000a varying const
If you're calling this from a *CMD, I would put this on the parameter to
make it return a VARYING to the RPG:
On the DrillDownDir parameter, I would do the same as above, use VARYINg
and CONST.
I would eliminate the code that does %trim() + x'00', and instead put a
%trimr() on the opendir() call.
dirh = opendir(%trimr(DrillDownDir));
Does that make sense in your environment?
On 11/20/2012 2:16 PM, rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am getting a MCH1210 error
Statement in Error . . . . . . . . . . : 00001273
RPG Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DRILLDOW
Number of Parameters . . . . . . . . . :
Message Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . : MCH
Additional Message Info . . . . . . . : 1210
Message Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Receiver value too small to hold result.
DrillDown(DirectoryName); // MCH1210 error here!!!!!
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Rob Berendt
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