On 22 May 2013 16:16, CRPence wrote:
Or an enhancement in RPG RLA that allows naming the fields which are
being assigned a value, so the RPG can tell the DM\DB such that the
DB can assign the default value for those fields not included in the
_i It's My (De)fault That You're a Zero i_
"Published: July 21, 2010
by Ted Holt
A field's default value is the value the system assigns to the field
when an application does not specify a value. Default values come into
play in several situations.
2. RPG O specs list the fields of an externally described file, but
not all fields are listed.
The following may just describe such an enhancement.?:
If you want to use the default value in RPG you have to use an
externally described data structure with INZ(*EXTDFT)
Seems so obvious, after reading the below, that for the effect of a
/current/ [special register] feature, the effect of /External Default/
initialization would not be helpful for DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP columns:
_i Timestamp field without DFT i_
On 11-16-2006 02:13 PM B.Morris wrote:
When you write a record using O specs, RPG uses RPG default values for
the fields you don't specify on O specs. The system default of the
current date/time would be in effect if RPG didn't even know about the
field; that would be the case if the RPG program was using a logical
file that didn't have the timestamp field. So using such a logical file
would be the easiest way, assuming your RPG programs don't need those
timestamp fields for anything else. You could get your program fields
_initialized_ with the database default values by using an externally
described DS with INZ(*EXTDFT), but your timestamp fields wouldn't get
the current value on every record; they would all get the same
initialization timestamp.
Fmyfile o e disk D e ds inz(*extdft) extname(myfile)
On 12-04-2006 03:30 PM Steve Zimmerman wrote:
We added a timestamp field to a file and did not specify a DFT value.
According to the IBM documentation, it should default to the current
date/time when you add a record to the file. It does so from DBU, SQL
and CPYF, but when we write a record in an RPG program, it gets a value
of 0001-01-01- Is there any way to get this to work from
RPG, or do we have to change all of our programs to overtly populate the
new field with the system time? Thanks!
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