Daniel, I can't help you with getting the software but I wonder if this is one of those products downloadable only at prior releases. Have you looked in prior releases in ESS? We had this problem when we upgraded to 7.1 and had to go back to a prior release to find some of the entitled software. Took IBM forever to "fix that" and was easier to download the prior version.
On Friday, January 10, 2014 12:06 PM, "Hayes, Daniel" <Daniel.Hayes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Using JD Edwards World Software's rpg programs to create 1099's.
This year the IRS changed the forms, and I need IBM's InfoPrint Designer, which we have license for, but no one can find the install disks.
It is product 5733-ID1. I have called IBM and written IBM, but it is not a downloadable according to ESS. However they did not bother to give me any idea
how I might obtain our entitled copy. I have contacted all of my sources, some I haven't seen in 20 years, but so far nada, zilch.
I am seeking any feedback you may have, I am sure someone here has an idea, with all the decades of experience. Iso image maybe?
Daniel E. 'Danny' Hayes
Senior JD Edwards Developer
813 901-2150 x133154
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