On 19-Mar-2014 09:32 -0700, memallazzo@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
We are attempting to use %SCAN built in function in CLLE:
chgvar var(&SPOS) value(%SCAN(&Blank &JD400PAR))
but am receiving error:
Built-in function %SCAN not valid
When including error message(s), at a minimum, the message identifier
should also be included.
We are running V7R1M0
Why is %SCAN not valid?
This has _what_ to do with RPG?
IBM i Technology Updates -> IBM i Technology Updates -> General IBM i
operating system -> New built-in functions have been added to both OPM
CL and ILE CL that make string handling easier and faster
_New built-in functions have been added to both OPM CL and_
_ILE CL that make string handling easier and faster_
|Updated January 30, 2013 by ScottForstie
"Three new control language (CL) compiler built-in functions (%CHECK,
%CHECKR, and %SCAN) were added by PTF SI49061 for IBM i 7.1.
Support for three new trim built-in functions (%TRIM, %TRIML, and
%TRIMR) was added for IBM i 7.1 by PTF SI48166 in October 2012, and
SI49061 supersedes SI48166.
New built-in functions have been added to both OPM CL and ILE CL that
make string handling easier and faster:
%CHECK - Check Characters
%CHECKR - Check Reverse
%SCAN - Scan for Characters
%TRIM - Trim Characters at Edges
%TRIML - Trim Leading Characters
%TRIMR - Trim Trailing Characters
If you want to use these new CL built-in functions on a 7.1 system, PTF
SI49061 must be loaded and applied. Support will not be PTF'ed to 6.1 or
5.4 releases, but you can compile CL code that uses these new functions
on your 7.1 system and specify TGTRLS(V6R1M0) or TGTRLS(V5R4M0) and then
save the CL objects off your 7.1 system and restore them on an IBM i
system running the 5.4 or 6.1 release of IBM i.
All of the above built-in functions will have almost the same behavior
as the RPG built-in functions by the same name.
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