I feel like I've never fully understood when a host variable is and is not usable. I did find a couple useful pages, but I'm not seeing why the definition pasted in below does not meet the qualifications of an acceptable host variable and host structure. Usually I have a mix of Qualified, Template, LikeRec or ExtName, and quite often the Data Structure is defined in a copybook. In this case I went much simpler and removed the Template and did not have the DS in a copybook, yet it still doesn't like it. I'm guessing possibly because of ExtName, but my use of ExtName seems to be ok according to the help.
If I change the code to not use LIKE on the subfield definitions, the structure is ok. The two files are in the job description library list.
dcl-ds dsT_SpecChg ExtName( 'SPECCHGP' ) Qualified end-ds;
dcl-ds dsT_PrdDescP ExtName( 'PRDDESCP' ) Qualified end-ds;
dcl-ds ds_Data Dim(100) Qualified;
PrdLvl Like( dsT_SpecChg.PrdLvl );
SvcLvl Like( dsT_SpecChg.SvcLvl );
BSLvl Like( dsT_SpecChg.BSLvl );
Desc Like( dsT_PrdDescP.Desc );
Calls Like( dsT_SpecChg.Calls );
Total Like( dsT_SpecChg.Total );
TotBAmt Like( dsT_SpecChg.TotBAmt );
SurChg Like( dsT_SpecChg.SurChg );
This works:
dcl-ds ds_Data Dim(100) Qualified;
PrdLvl char( 1 );
SvcLvl char( 1 );
BScLvl char( 1 );
Desc char( 30 );
Calls packed( 11 );
Total packed( 17: 6 );
TotBAmt packed( 15: 6 );
SurChg packed( 13: 6 );
For so long when I ran into this issue I simply changed the definition to be hardcoded, but I grow tired of that.
Kurt Anderson
Sr. Programmer/Analyst - Application Development, Service Delivery Platform
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