Ok, Let's see if I can answer all the questions asked in one go.

I don't think record lock is the problem, this job hangs consistently when it has more than 220 records, so it is not the data on any single record.
And the data it has to process changes every time the job completes, the job will complete when run manually.

Calling IBM support will be the last option, once I have investigated it to my full potential, I will pass to the ISeries team to investigate and then it might go to IBM...

When I say hang, it does no more processing, the job has been left for 2-3 days... admittedly not on purpose, it happens almost every weekend.
The job still has an ACTIVE status, the IO count is not changing and the call stack is not changing.

The only differences between the User profile JOBD and the JOBD used for submitting is the Job Queue and the Library list.
The library list is correct and both Job Queues are in the same subsystem.
The SQL statements use unqualified references, so the same code can work in our four test environments and our live system.

All three errors occur in both the /hangs/ request and the successful requests? Or just the MCH3603 errors happen in both?

PRTSQLINF information
TEXT('UMR Updated-Temp solution to update Codas ACREF ')
DECRESULT(31 31 0)
First delete statement
SQL4021 Access plan last saved on 02/07/14 at 01:15:00.
SQL4020 Estimated query run time is 0 seconds.
SQL4027 Access plan was saved with DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing installed on the system.
SQL4009 Index created for table 1.
SQL4026 Index only access used on table number 1.
SQL4011 Index scan-key row positioning used on table 1.
SQL4007 Query implementation for join position 1 table 1.
SQL4008 Index MTI(48) used for table 1.
SQL4011 Index scan-key row positioning used on table 1.
SQL4007 Query implementation for join position 2 table 1.
SQL4010 Table scan access for table 1.
SQL4006 All indexes considered for table 0.
SQL4006 All indexes considered for table 0.
Second delete statement
SQL4021 Access plan last saved on 02/07/14 at 01:15:07.
SQL4020 Estimated query run time is 0 seconds.
SQL4027 Access plan was saved with DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing installed on the system.
SQL4009 Index created for table 1.
SQL4026 Index only access used on table number 1.
SQL4011 Index scan-key row positioning used on table 1.
SQL4008 Index MTI(14) used for table 1.
SQL4026 Index only access used on table number 1.
SQL4011 Index scan-key row positioning used on table 1.
First Insert statement (Done during Read of File)
SQL5065 Access plan not found.
SQL4021 Access plan last saved on 02/07/14 at 01:15:10.
SQL4020 Estimated query run time is 0 seconds.
SQL4027 Access plan was saved with DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing installed on the system.
SQL4017 Host variables implemented as reusable ODP.
SQL4010 Table scan access for table 1.
Select into Work variables (Done during Read of File)
SQL4021 Access plan last saved on 02/07/14 at 01:15:10.
SQL4020 Estimated query run time is 0 seconds.
SQL4027 Access plan was saved with DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing installed on the system.
SQL4017 Host variables implemented as reusable ODP.
SQL4012 Index created from index MTI(8) for table 1.
SQL4026 Index only access used on table number 1.
SQL4011 Index scan-key row positioning used on table 1.
SQL4008 Index MTI(8) used for table 1.
SQL4011 Index scan-key row positioning used on table 1.
SQL4006 All indexes considered for table 0.
Second Insert statement (Done during Read of File)
SQL5065 Access plan not found.
SQL4021 Access plan last saved on 02/07/14 at 01:15:11.
SQL4020 Estimated query run time is 0 seconds.
SQL4027 Access plan was saved with DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing installed on the system.
SQL4017 Host variables implemented as reusable ODP.
SQL4010 Table scan access for table 1.


Marie O'Rourke
Applications Developer
IT Dept
Liberty Insurance

-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of rpg400-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 01 July 2014 19:29
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RPG400-L Digest, Vol 13, Issue 252

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*** NOTE: When replying to this digest message, PLEASE remove all text unrelated to your reply and change the subject line so it is meaningful.

Today's Topics:

1. Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records. (Michael Aiese)
2. Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records. (Buck Calabro)
3. Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records. (CRPence)
4. Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records. (Joh McKay)
5. Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records. (Charles Wilt)


message: 1
date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 13:01:05 -0400
from: Michael Aiese <michaelaiese@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:michaelaiese@xxxxxxxxx>>
subject: Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records.

might be a record lock. when you run it after changing the lib list it gets a different file that is not locked.

Run the program in debug and see where what record is it stopping on.
Maybe someone has a lock
on the record.

Just a guess.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Marie O'Rourke < Marie.O'Rourke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'm wondering if anyone could help.

If I submit the following job using the Job Description the job hangs
after processing 220 records.

However if I manually set the library list and submit the job then the
job completes without hanging.

This looks like a problem with the Job Description , but I don't have
the slightest idea what to look for. The library list on the Job
description is correct, but I don't understand all the other details.

This SQLRPGLE program does the following SQL Deletes from a table SQL
Deletes from a second table Reads a file and for every entry on that
SQL Inserts to a file
SQL Selects details to work variables
SQL Inserts into a second file using details from file
Read and work variables.

Some of the errors visible on the Job log (This happens regardless of
the way the job is submitted)
MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.669663
#cfochkr 000C2C QSQSBAS QSYS *STMT
To module . . . . . . . . . :
To procedure . . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 4007
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses
object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is
MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.676036 QSQSBAS
From module . . . . . . . . :
From procedure . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 4546
To module . . . . . . . . . :
To procedure . . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 35571
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses
object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is
SQL0901 Diagnostic 50 30/06/14 12:32:09.839561 QSQRUN3
From module . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
From procedure . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
To procedure . . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
Message . . . . : SQL system error.
Cause . . . . . : An SQL system
error has occurred. The current SQL
statement cannot be completed
successfully. The error will not prevent
other SQL statements from being
processed. Previous messages may indicate
that there is a problem with
the SQL statement and SQL did not correctly
diagnose the error. The
previous message identifier was MCH3603. Internal
error type 3109 has occurred.
If precompiling, processing will not continue
beyond this statement. Recovery .
. . : See the previous messages to
determine if there is a
problem with the SQL statement. To view the
messages, use the DSPJOBLOG
command if running interactively, or the WRKJOB
command to view the output of
a precompile. An application program
receiving this return code may
attempt further SQL statements. Correct any
errors and try the request again.


Marie O'Rourke
Applications Developer
IT Dept
Liberty Insurance

This is the RPG programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
(RPG400-L) mailing list To post a message email: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/rpg400-l
or email: RPG400-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:RPG400-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Before posting, please take a
moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/rpg400-l.


message: 2
date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 13:26:52 -0400
from: Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx>>
subject: Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records.

On 7/1/2014 12:45 PM, Marie O'Rourke wrote:

If I submit the following job using the Job Description the job hangs after processing 220 records.

However if I manually set the library list and submit the job then the job completes without hanging.

This looks like a problem with the Job Description , but I don't have the slightest idea what to look for. The library list on the Job description is correct, but I don't understand all the other details.

The obvious first place to look is the library list. In particular, imagine that one of the files in the failing job has a decimal data error or similar issue that would make SQL unhappy. But read below...

SQL0901 Diagnostic 50 30/06/14 12:32:09.839561 QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
From procedure . . . . . . : CLEANUP
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
To procedure . . . . . . . : CLEANUP
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
Message . . . . : SQL system error.
Cause . . . . . : An SQL system error has occurred. The current SQL
statement cannot be completed successfully. The error will not prevent
other SQL statements from being processed. Previous messages may indicate
that there is a problem with the SQL statement and SQL did not correctly
diagnose the error. The previous message identifier was MCH3603. Internal
error type 3109 has occurred. If precompiling, processing will not continue
beyond this statement. Recovery . . . : See the previous messages to
determine if there is a problem with the SQL statement. To view the
messages, use the DSPJOBLOG command if running interactively, or the WRKJOB
command to view the output of a precompile. An application program
receiving this return code may attempt further SQL statements. Correct any
errors and try the request again.

As far as I know, every instance of SQL0901 is a reason to call IBM support. Before you do, make sure you are current on PTFs. They may also ask you to send them some information that their database logger
captured: select * from QRECOVERY.QSQ901S



message: 3
date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:49:47 -0500
from: CRPence <CRPbottle@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:CRPbottle@xxxxxxxxx>>
subject: Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records.

On 01-Jul-2014 11:45 -0500, Marie O'Rourke wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone could help.

If I submit the following job using the Job Description the job hangs
after processing 220 records.

From what was concluded "hangs"? Apparently more records [than the
220 processed] require(d) processing and\or some amount of time was given to allow the job to complete, but within that time-frame, the job never completed.? What is the status of the job [as appears on Work With Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB)? Minimally, what is the program stack?
Ideally the entire Work With Job (WRKJOB) spooled output would be given to clarify a /hang/, and then that would be collected more than once, typically with a separation in time that shows or is verified to have shown no changes.

However if I manually set the library list and submit the job then the
job completes without hanging.

Presumably then, this request has INLLIBL(*CURRENT) JOBD(*USRPRF).

This looks like a problem with the Job Description , but I don't have
the slightest idea what to look for. The library list on the Job
description is correct, but I don't understand all the other details.

What differs from the *JOBD of the User Profile and the Job Description specified in the former request are not detailed, with respect to each of the parameter specifications of the Submit Job
(SBMJOB) request that end up being defaulted to the special value *JOBD.
Even so, probably only the library list is consequential, and that would be impacted most by unqualified references; for the SQL, unqualified references using system-naming rules [NAMING(*SYS)].

This SQLRPGLE program does the following:
* SQL Deletes from a table
* SQL Deletes from a second table
* Reads a file and for every entry on that file
- SQL Inserts to a file
- SQL Selects details to work variables
- SQL Inserts into a second file
using details from file Read and work variables

Are the SQL statements using qualified references? The Print SQL Information (PRTSQLINF) could be at least somewhat informative.

Some of the errors visible on the Job log (This happens regardless of
the way the job is submitted):

All three errors occur in both the /hangs/ request and the successful requests? Or just the MCH3603 errors happen in both?

MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.669663
From Program . : #cfochkr 000C2C
To Program . . : QSQSBAS QSYS *STMT
To module . . . : QSQHDCLS
To procedure . : SQHRDCLS
Statement . . . : 4007
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is X'000000000000000004817F77B1000200'.

msgMCH3603 F/#cfochkr x/0C2C
object type 0x0200 *PGM is referenced, but whatever was the Object Checker invocation required a different object type... Ouch! Very bad!

Unfortunately that is not manifest as a Function Check (*FC), so the specific error is not as easily caught. There may be a VLog produced implicitly however. If no VLog(s) for around that time, I believe the Start Watch (STRWCH) feature allows the MCH3603 message identifier to be watched and to have a [job dump] VLog forced.

MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.676036
From Program . : QSQSBAS QSYS *STMT
To Program . . : QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT
From module . . : QSQHDCLS
From procedure : SQHRDCLS
Statement . . . : 4546
To module . . . : QSQOPEN
To procedure . : CKLNGNAM
Statement . . . : 35571
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is X'000000000000000004817F77B1000200'.

object type 0x0200 *PGM
QSQOPEN is performing Check Long Name in Hard Close processing

SQL0901 Diagnostic 50 30/06/14 12:32:09.839561
From Program . : QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT
To Program . . : QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT
From module . . : QSQINS
From procedure : CLEANUP
Statement . . . : 31437
To module . . . : QSQINS
To procedure . : CLEANUP
Statement . . . : 31437
Message . . . . : SQL system error.
Cause . . . . . : An SQL system error has occurred. The current SQL
statement cannot be completed successfully. The error will not prevent
other SQL statements from being processed. Previous messages may
indicate that there is a problem with the SQL statement and SQL did
not correctly diagnose the error. The previous message identifier was
MCH3603. Internal error type 3109 has occurred. <<SNIP>>

msgSQL0901 sqlcode -901 et3109 rc3109 rcMCH3603
SQL INSERT effective function check failure occurs 14 seconds after the pointer type error that transpired in an SQL Open to implement that insert activity, that had initiated hard close processing

The -901 is indicative of a probable defect; so too, the errors that lead to the SQL generic function check error. That issue should be reported to your service provider. FWiW there are two HIPer APARs with the symptom msgMCH3603, that may or may not be related:

With some additional information, the "hangs" could be better diagnosed [outside of assistance from a service provider; i.e. here on the list].

Regards, Chuck


message: 4
date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 19:12:22 +0100
from: Joh McKay <jmckay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:jmckay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
subject: Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records.

Hi Marie,

The read is most likely not the problem.

The problem will be on one of ..

SQL_Deletes_ from a table
SQL_Deletes_ from a second table
SQL_Inserts_ to a file
SQL_Inserts_ into a second file

The problem could be a record lock, or something to do with a logical or a trigger or a constraint.
I would copy the 220th and the 221st record to a temporary input file and run in debug mode.
Knowing the particular record means you can investigate related records in the related files.
Of course, depending on how it is coded, the program might be going into a loop on that particular record ...

John McKay mba

On 01/07/2014 17:45, Marie O'Rourke wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone could help.

If I submit the following job using the Job Description the job hangs after processing 220 records.

However if I manually set the library list and submit the job then the job completes without hanging.

This looks like a problem with the Job Description , but I don't have the slightest idea what to look for. The library list on the Job description is correct, but I don't understand all the other details.

This SQLRPGLE program does the following
SQL Deletes from a table
SQL Deletes from a second table
Reads a file and for every entry on that file
SQL Inserts to a file
SQL Selects details to work variables
SQL Inserts into a second file using details from file Read and work variables.

Some of the errors visible on the Job log (This happens regardless of the way the job is submitted)
MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.669663 #cfochkr 000C2C QSQSBAS QSYS *STMT
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQHDCLS
To procedure . . . . . . . : SQHRDCLS
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 4007
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is X'000000000000000004817F77B1000200'.
MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.676036 QSQSBAS QSYS *STMT QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QSQHDCLS
From procedure . . . . . . : SQHRDCLS
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 4546
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQOPEN
To procedure . . . . . . . : CKLNGNAM
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 35571
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is X'000000000000000004817F77B1000200'.
SQL0901 Diagnostic 50 30/06/14 12:32:09.839561 QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT QSQRUN3 QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
From procedure . . . . . . : CLEANUP
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
To procedure . . . . . . . : CLEANUP
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
Message . . . . : SQL system error.
Cause . . . . . : An SQL system error has occurred. The current SQL
statement cannot be completed successfully. The error will not prevent
other SQL statements from being processed. Previous messages may indicate
that there is a problem with the SQL statement and SQL did not correctly
diagnose the error. The previous message identifier was MCH3603. Internal
error type 3109 has occurred. If precompiling, processing will not continue
beyond this statement. Recovery . . . : See the previous messages to
determine if there is a problem with the SQL statement. To view the
messages, use the DSPJOBLOG command if running interactively, or the WRKJOB
command to view the output of a precompile. An application program
receiving this return code may attempt further SQL statements. Correct any
errors and try the request again.


Marie O'Rourke
Applications Developer
IT Dept
Liberty Insurance


message: 5
date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 14:29:01 -0400
from: Charles Wilt <charles.wilt@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:charles.wilt@xxxxxxxxx>>
subject: Re: Job hangs after processing 220 records.

What is the "hung" job's status?

What locks does it have? More importantly, is it waiting for one?

What files are open, and are the IO counts changing?

What's the call stack look like? If you hit F5 to refresh, do you see any

Lastly, how long have you waited for it to finish?


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Marie O'Rourke <
Marie.O'Rourke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'm wondering if anyone could help.

If I submit the following job using the Job Description the job hangs
after processing 220 records.

However if I manually set the library list and submit the job then the job
completes without hanging.

This looks like a problem with the Job Description , but I don't have the
slightest idea what to look for. The library list on the Job description is
correct, but I don't understand all the other details.

This SQLRPGLE program does the following
SQL Deletes from a table
SQL Deletes from a second table
Reads a file and for every entry on that file
SQL Inserts to a file
SQL Selects details to work variables
SQL Inserts into a second file using details from file
Read and work variables.

Some of the errors visible on the Job log (This happens regardless of the
way the job is submitted)
MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.669663
#cfochkr 000C2C QSQSBAS QSYS *STMT
To module . . . . . . . . . :
To procedure . . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 4007
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses
object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is
MCH3603 Escape 40 30/06/14 12:31:55.676036 QSQSBAS
From module . . . . . . . . :
From procedure . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 4546
To module . . . . . . . . . :
To procedure . . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 35571
Message . . . . : Pointer addresses
object type not valid for this
Cause . . . . . : Pointer is
SQL0901 Diagnostic 50 30/06/14 12:32:09.839561 QSQRUN3
From module . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
From procedure . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
To module . . . . . . . . . : QSQINS
To procedure . . . . . . . :
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 31437
Message . . . . : SQL system error.
Cause . . . . . : An SQL system
error has occurred. The current SQL
statement cannot be completed
successfully. The error will not prevent
other SQL statements from being
processed. Previous messages may indicate
that there is a problem with the
SQL statement and SQL did not correctly
diagnose the error. The previous
message identifier was MCH3603. Internal
error type 3109 has occurred. If
precompiling, processing will not continue
beyond this statement. Recovery .
. . : See the previous messages to
determine if there is a problem
with the SQL statement. To view the
messages, use the DSPJOBLOG
command if running interactively, or the WRKJOB
command to view the output of a
precompile. An application program
receiving this return code may
attempt further SQL statements. Correct any
errors and try the request again.


Marie O'Rourke
Applications Developer
IT Dept
Liberty Insurance

This is the RPG programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) (RPG400-L)
mailing list
To post a message email: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/rpg400-l
or email: RPG400-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:RPG400-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/rpg400-l.


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This is the RPG programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) (RPG400-L) digest list
To post a message email: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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End of RPG400-L Digest, Vol 13, Issue 252

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