On 29-Jul-2014 15:35 -0500, Scott Mildenberger wrote:
KEY is also a reserved word, don't know if that could figure into
it. If it mattered Chuck probably would have mentioned :) Maybe try
with a different field name.
I had actually not bothered to mention that, because the references
shown, should not be an issue. While the undelimited token _KEY_ is a
reserved SQL identifier, the SQL should be able to determine the
validity, contextually; the references to that name both as the column
named KEY [just about anywhere I can imagine] and as a host variable
named KEY [conspicuous to the SQL, per the colon ':' that precedes the
token] should not be origin for an error. FWiW, AFaIK, the undelimited
column name KEY should only ever be an issue, if the limited contexts of
the word KEY being reserved, ever is expanded beyond the use in DDL
CONSTRAINT definition clauses; I believe those are the only supported
references currently.
Even so, I suppose, best to ensure any reserved identifier could not
cause any problems, now, or in the future.
An earlier message in this thread had coded :Source_Key [instead of
:Key]. That is probably a better choice for the :HV name, and the
column reference in the equal predicate of the WHERE clause probably is
best delimited with the double-quote character to eliminate any [future]
chance that the value could be misinterpreted as a keyword instead of
properly recognized as a column name.
The following would be unambiguous for the SQL, for both _parsing_
and _syntax checking_ [though whatever was the data type\size
_validation_ issue with the :HV definition that was diagnosed as -312
aka msg SQL0312, may persist regardless of the following change to
eliminate reserved identifiers from the statement]:
exec sql insert into local_machine.needles.test
(select *
from remote_machine.needles.test
where "KEY" = :source_key ) ;
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