On 9/18/2015 3:24 PM, Kurt Anderson wrote:
I was curious what the community thinks about getting rid of the 'mod mark' concept (putting a ticket/request/whatever # in columns 1-5)?
The idea was worth trying, but in my experience there are some flaws:
Deleted lines - comment them specifically so we can put the ticket
number on them?
Changed lines that have been changed again - do we keep a mod mark
history or is the last one 'good enough'? If it is good enough, then
what is the value of any previous mod marks?
Added lines - how do you tell the line has been added to the code and
not changed?
Copied lines (like copying a block as a template for a new section of
code) - what happens if I forget (it happens!) to manually mod mark
these lines properly?
All in all it means that I need to perform manual labour which the
computer is perfectly capable of doing without the keypunch errors I
make, in order to satisfy a tradition which at best can only come close
to answering the question 'what lines were touched to implement this
Far better is a real change management tool. I don't have one either,
but I've started to rely on Git and I'm thinking I might be able to plug
in a ticket system like Jira too, but in the interim, plain English
comments seem to work out at least as well as the mod marks ever did.
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