I am talking about two differend subfiles (not msgsfl) on a single screen. SFLRCDNBR(*TOP) is in my display file, but that lets me tell the subfile where to start when the subfile is written to the display. I need to know what row number to put in there. Most of the time I know what number, and all is good, sometimes though, I just want it to remain where the user left it because nothing happened to the subfile that the program knows about. If the user goes in and pages around a little, but then does something else, the program just shifts the subfile to row 1 because it doesn't know what else to do. If I knew where the user left the subfile, then I would know what row number to put in that hidden field.
Mark Murphy
STAR BASE Consulting, Inc.
-----Booth Martin <booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: -----
To: "RPG programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)" <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Booth Martin <booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 10/01/2015 02:31PM
Subject: Re: Finding the top record in second subfile on a 5250 display
I am not sure if you are talking about two different subfiles on one
screen or two pages of one subfile.
In any event takes a look at SFLRCNBR(CURSOR) and SFLRCNBR(CURSOR *TOP)
and see if that takes you home.
On 10/1/2015 12:55 PM, Mark Murphy/STAR BASE Consulting Inc. wrote:
I know how to find the top record of the first subfile on a page, it is in the file information feedback area. But that only applies to the first subfile. How can I find the top record in the second subfile on a page (assume the cursor is not on that subfile).
Mark Murphy
STAR BASE Consulting, Inc.
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