Here is the problem:
We have an application that is run with same code base world wide.
In this we receive - in the form of an MQ message - an XML formatted string.
The application program receives the message, parses it (XML-SAX) and responds with other data in the reply-queue for the message.
All this works perfectly fine, except in one environment. One company running same application (and receiving the same datafeed) is Latvia where the receiving job runs under CCSID='1112'.
Here it all breaks completely with the XML-error stated as "302" (whatever that means).
I have created a "sandbox" where I have the message on and MQ-Queue, uses a browse function to read the message while leaving it on the queue and calls the parsing program.
I have been able to verify that the only time it fails is where the receiving job is running with a non latin-1 CCSID.
The question now is: What is the way around this? I have tried replacing XML-SAX with XML-INTO (using the path parameter) but the results are identical as it works brilliantly with all other CCSID:s.
Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards
Åke H Olsson
Senior Consultant
Phone: +4636 34 29 00
Direct: +4636 34 29 76 , +46705 48 29 76
Address: Box 433, SE-551 16 Jönköping, Sweden
Visit: Brunnsgatan 11
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