I prefer coding dynamic sql statements in the following way:
stmt = '+
select field1, field2 +
from table +
where code = ''1'' +
and field1 >= 9 + 1 +
order by fields';
This can be a problem some times as you can exceed the RPG string literal length limits, and there are readability issues for quotes and those extra plus signs at the end of each line. When I run into literal length limits I will take that string and break it up into smaller pieces like this:
dcl-s stmt Varchar(2048) Inz('');
stmt = 'select field1, field2';
stmt += ' from table';
stmt += ' where code = ''1''';
stmt += ' and field1 >= 9 + 1';
stmt += ' order by field';
The problem I have with this is it can be even less readable with all the additional cruft around the actual sql statement, and it still has the quote escaping issues of the previous method. I have submitted an RFE to allow me to use a syntax called heredoc in some other programming languages. This would allow me to code something like the following:
stmt = >>>DOC
select field1, field2
from table
where code = '1'
and field1 >= 9 + 1
order by fields
The RFE is here:
Mark Murphy
STAR BASE Consulting, Inc.
-----"Graves, Chuck" <cgraves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: -----
To: "rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Graves, Chuck" <cgraves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 05/12/2016 04:03PM
Subject: SQL Statement length
Is there a "trick" to programming a long complex (6000 character) SQL statement in RPG?
We keep getting a "variable truncated" error message.
[Rodda Paint Company]
Chuck Graves
Director of Information Systems
Rodda Paint Co.<
6107 N. Marine Drive
Portland, Oregon 97203
(503) 737-6042
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