On 15-Jul-2016 01:57 -0500, Nihat Ezer wrote:
The CCSID of the file (/tmp/trial.xml) was 819
then I changed it to 820 <<SNIP>>
A CCSID value [e.g. 819] has a specific meaning; the value is not
just any [randomly] chosen small-integer counting number [e.g. having
added one to 819, to get 820, does not make the latter number a valid
CCSID]. And the assignment of a CCSID attribute [to a stream file] does
not necessarily also convert the data; e.g. the request to CHGATR
(/tmp/trial.xml) (*CCSID) (820) does not change the data in any way [nor
could that be the effect, as 820 does not represent an valid encoding
with a Code Page and Character Set].
The CCSID 819 is described as ISO 8859-1 ASCII here:
The supposed CCSID value of 820, using that same URL naming effects,
not surprisingly, a 404-page-not-found error:
The specific CCSID assigned to a file must [errr... would in most
cases, best] reflect what is the actual data stored in the file; the
value must be supported, to effect worthwhile results. To know what
value to assign for the CCSID attribute of a file requires knowing what
data was placed in the file [in hex code points] and what value also may
be implied, by knowing how the data was placed into the file and whence
the data came.
Here are some system values that might be related to the issue:
QCCSID: 65535
Character ID . . . . . : 1152
Code page . . . . . . : 1026
Not to imply any of the above values are germane to the topic [most
of which I had snipped, given the glaring usage issue expressed in the
opening sentence, and that the errors shown would have been a direct
consequence], but I offer:
The Code Page Identifier 1026 is for pre-euro currency symbol; thus
likely, 1155 is preferable [by now]. Similarly, the Character Set
Identifier 01378 with Euro supplants 1152. Lacking a specific system
CCSID, each user profile should have their appropriate language CCSID
assigned, and the CCSID value of 1155 with the euro included, supplants
Seems odd that an otherwise Turkish language setup [i.e. default of
Country Identifier (CNTRYID) and Language Identifier (LANGID) for users]
would have the default of the USEnglish Locale; lacking a Turkish Locale
in the system value, best for any user to verify an appropriate Locale,
much like alluded above for their CCSID.
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