On 21-Jul-2016 19:23 -0500, CRPence wrote:
By an actual test I was able to verify that cause. <<SNIP>>
I accidentally hit send on the above quoted message, before
correcting a reference to an undefined variable in one PROCEDURE source;
i.e. reference variable V, but declared variable myVariable. And I had
not yet included the following compilable source which includes a
functional and a failing dcl-c and usage to see the effects in run-time
with a CALL QTEMP/CONSTTEST /* if compiled as shown: */:
CTL-OPT dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new) debug(*yes) ;
// source member qrpglesrc.constTest
// crtbndrpg qtemp/consttest srcfile(qrpglesrc) genlvl(20)
dcl-pi constTest ;
dcl-s ResultString varchar(50);
dcl-c soapEnvelope_works
const('<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://+
dcl-c soapEnvelope_begin
const('<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http:+
dcl-c No_soapHeader const('<soapenv:Header/>');
ResultString = 'start of test' ; // enables err bypass
ResultString = soapEnvelope_works ;
DSPLY ResultString '*EXT' ;
ResultString = soapEnvelope_begin ;
DSPLY ResultString '*EXT' ;
*inlr = *on;
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