On 29-Jul-2016 03:51 -0500, Leo Ridderikhoff wrote:
If you only want to write one record, I think replacing the DADD on
the output line by TADD would do the trick. (replacing Detail time
for Total time) <<SNIP>>
That reflects what I thought I was trying to do; i.e. wanting just
one row written, upon\per LR=*ON, and as read from just one row of input
irrespective the number of rows in the file.
That sole change to the original source from the OP [the specific
O-spec change shown below] was successful!
MLazarus explained that my output was conditioned on totals, per use
of the LR indicator, but I did not comprehend the meaning of that
comment, in relationship to my O-spec, despite having explicitly coded
the D for [presumed want of] Detail Records; i.e. I knew I had coded the
file for output of detail-records, but did not understand that I was
conditioning my desired output as a total-record with the LR indicator
on my definition for RCDOUT. At least that much seems so clear now:
O* .1....D=Detail
O* .1....T=Total
And since, Buck's reply further elucidates; I should have gone
directly to general RPG-cycle docs rather than limiting my reference for
the task, to poring over the System/36-Compatible RPG II User’s Guide
and Reference SC09-1818-00 looking for example(s).
If you just want the functionality, I would go for EXCPT-output, much
easier to code, much easier to read
Probable. Except (pun intended) I never could figure out what I was
EXCePTing with EXCPT (EXCEPTION OUTPUT) for database output, for which I
perceive all records to be consistently either summary or detail. Using
the cycle for printer output, perhaps the naming of the op-code seems
more apropos when thought of as writing all _except_ the standard
heading, detail, and total records.?.?
(unless you would have been a very old fashioned RPGII-cycle
programmer :-)
Luckily my exposure to RPGII was limited to dealing with debugging
the effects of the DB I\O that the RPG run-time had initiated for the
program. I would often be able to see what I\O the program had
initiated, and then mimic that I\O request using internal tools; doing
the best I could to avoid ever having to /read/ the RPGII source. And I
certainly have never wanted to _write_ any RPGII code :-)
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