-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Ryan
Don't you need PERRCD(5) or something?
The arrays, as I've defined them, are using the default of PERRCD.
"If the keyword is not specified, the number of entries defaults to 1."
From the manual:
"The PERRCD keyword allows you to specify the number of elements per record for a compile-time or a prerun-time array or table."
Note the "per record" part of that definition.
That would be used if the array was less than the max size of a compile time record (max is 100).
So, to use PERRCD the array could be a maximum of 50 characters.
Dcl-s Names Char(50) Dim(4) CTDATA PERRCD(2);
This is an example that uses the PERRCD and the ALT keyword:
Dcl-S Typ Char(1) DIM(14) CTDATA PERRCD(7);
Dcl-S Dsc Char(7) DIM(14) ALT(Typ);
PPackeD Szoned Bbinary Ffloat Achar Ldate Ttime
ZTmStmP Hhex Jdbcs-J Edbcs-E Odbcs-O Gdbcs-G
Chris Hiebert
Senior Programmer/Analyst
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