... this discussion is remaining me at Aesop and his fable of the fox and
the grapes (
http://aesopus.pbworks.com/w/page/1471856/barlow093). Everybody
could decide for himself, who is the fox (there are lots of them...).
some additional remarks:
- the cycle was a great enhancement compared to original punching cards
- cycle programming is error prone and those errors are hard to detect (I
have seen lots of those programms)
- ILE RPG was a great enhancement compared to monolithic cycle programming
- modern RPG is a great enhancement compared to column bound rpg
- so called totally free is a minor enhancement compared to V5R4 rpg free
- even the newest versions of RPG are looking a little bit outdated compared
to languages like Java, C++ and C#
- modern RPG is not too far away from current programming styles and could
be picked up easily by newbies coming from the highschools
the main problem is: who is using all the nice possibilities of modern
RPG!!! Even using totally free lots of programms are written in a style,
thinking in punching cards: large monolithic programms, right hand side
comments, moving *ON to *INLR, using available components (I'm providing
some fro free) by copiing to the own monoliths, trying to use binder
language (without understanding how it works) to avoid rebinding-
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