If by "properly" you mean so it will compile I suggest you go to the Ansa forum (http://forum.asna.com/ <http://forum.asna.com/>). This RPG400 list may have one or two Visual RPG users but most of us use RPG IV. And this ain't that!

Jon Paris


On Aug 11, 2017, at 4:23 PM, Osmany Jorge <ojorge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi everyone,

This code was written using ASNA visual RPG, I need to figure out how to code it properly

BegClass ThreadFactory Access(*Public)

DclFld strResult Type( *String)

//Task Approuch
DclFld taskFirstSplit Type( Task )
DclFld taskSecondSplit Type( Task )
DclFld actionMethod1 Type( Action )
DclFld actionMethod2 Type( Action )
DclProp ListTask Type(List(*Of Task)) Access( *Public )

BegConstructor Access(*Public)

BegFunc GetAdrXml *String Access( *Public )

actionMethod1 = *New Action(GetAdrXmlSplit1())
actionMethod2 = *New Action(GetAdrXmlSplit2())

taskFirstSplit = *new Task(actionMethod1 )

taskSecondSplit = *new Task(actionMethod2 )

ListTask.Add( taskFirstSplit )
ListTask.Add( taskSecondSplit )


//merge everything

LeaveSr strResult

BegFunc GetAdrXmlSplit1 *String Access( *Public )
//Do different things
LeaveSr strResult

BegFunc GetAdrXmlSplit2 *String Access( *Public )
//Do different things
LeaveSr strResult

-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of rpg400-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:00 PM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RPG400-L Digest, Vol 16, Issue 388

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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Service program / procedure design and naming conventions
(Mark Murphy/STAR BASE Consulting Inc.)
2. Thread Pool using Task (Osmany Jorge)
3. Re: Thread Pool using Task (JRusling@xxxxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 09:45:07 -0400
from: "Mark Murphy/STAR BASE Consulting Inc."
subject: Re: Service program / procedure design and naming conventions

I may have mentioned this at some time in the past, here, or maybe in a blog post somewhere.

Mark Murphy
Atlas Data Systems

-----JRusling@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote: -----
To: "RPG programming on the IBM i \(AS/400 and iSeries\)" <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: JRusling@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 08/09/2017 10:19AM
Subject: Re: Service program / procedure design and naming conventions


I read about this methodology on the group? awhile back and am moving in
the same direction.


... I keep a single universal binding directory for creating programs
(*PGM), but for service programs (*SRVPGM) I create individual special
purpose binding directories. ...
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message: 2
date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 15:33:36 +0000
from: Osmany Jorge <ojorge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Thread Pool using Task

This is my code I'm new using AVR, I have this error (ErrorDelegate constructor requires a single argument: a method with the same signature as the delegate.)

Please help me to fix this problem ASAP

BegClass ThreadFactory Access(*Public)

DclFld strResult Type( *String)

//Task Approuch
DclFld taskFirstSplit Type( Task )
DclFld taskSecondSplit Type( Task )
DclFld actionMethod1 Type( Action )
DclFld actionMethod2 Type( Action )
DclProp ListTask Type(List(*Of Task)) Access( *Public )

BegConstructor Access(*Public)

BegFunc GetAdrXml *String Access( *Public )

actionMethod1 = *New Action(GetAdrXmlSplit1())
actionMethod2 = *New Action(GetAdrXmlSplit2())

taskFirstSplit = *new Task(actionMethod1 )

taskSecondSplit = *new Task(actionMethod2 )

ListTask.Add( taskFirstSplit )
ListTask.Add( taskSecondSplit )


//merge everything

LeaveSr strResult

BegFunc GetAdrXmlSplit1 *String Access( *Public )
//Do different things
LeaveSr strResult

BegFunc GetAdrXmlSplit2 *String Access( *Public )
//Do different things
LeaveSr strResult


message: 3
date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 11:13:55 -0500
from: JRusling@xxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Thread Pool using Task

Jorge - Did you mean to post this to the java400-l list? (heh, i 'think'
it's java)

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End of RPG400-L Digest, Vol 16, Issue 388
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