i5/os v7r1 going to v7r3 soon

-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alan Shore via RPG400-L
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 8:50 AM
To: RPG programming on IBM i
Cc: Alan Shore
Subject: RE: JSON Programming within RPG

Hi Debbie
What Operating system release level are you on?
That might make a difference as to what is available for you

Alan Shore
E-mail : ASHORE@xxxxxxxx
Phone [O] : (631) 200-5019
Phone [C] : (631) 880-8640
'If you're going through hell, keep going.'
Winston Churchill

-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Debbie Panco
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 8:42 AM
To: RPG programming on IBM i <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: JSON Programming within RPG

I am an RPG/Cobol programmer on the ISeries. I know nothing about interfacing with the web.
I am a newbie. We here are looking to have a web application where we will pass customer data from the ISeries, allow the customer to make changes, receive that data back to the ISeries and updata our ISeries data file with the changes.

I was assigned the task of researching what it would take to do this particularly using JSON. What I am looking for at this point is not specifics. I am looking for learning materials. A good JSON book that someone could recommend that I could use as a reference. Maybe some good reference material of how JSon is used in an RPGLE program (an IBM reference manual maybe).

Perhaps a basic explanation as to the best way to accomplish it. IE: what happens between the web application and the ISeries. SQL? Something else?

I'm just researching because I am very green at this point.

-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alan Campin
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 3:28 PM
To: RPG programming on IBM i
Subject: Re: JSON Programming within RPG

Debbie, maybe it would help if you could explain what exactly you are wanting to do. Are you writing Web Services? Are you wanting to get JSON from a web site, etc and what version of the OS you are running.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 11:56 AM Debbie Panco <DPanco@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Not to another rpg program. To a program running on the web.

-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Booth Martin
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 2:40 PM
To: RPG programming on IBM i
Subject: Re: JSON Programming within RPG

I am trying to picture the scenario where a designer would specify
that an RPG program send data to another RPG program using json?

On 2/28/2019 12:44 PM, Debbie Panco wrote:
... As in the AS400 calls the service program which writes the data
the web,
receives it back and passes it back to the awaiting AS400 program?
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