Hi all
I have this situation:
in the item master data file, i have a trigger ; now i would need add in the
trigger program a change, that in some situation do some update to another
record always in the item master data file , which however fire again the
trigger causing recursive error. How could menage this situation (trigger
that updates another record of the same file that has fired the trigger) ?
i have read several post (some one say to use C, other says that i can use
CLP or also Ile with procedure.. and i'm very confused) in this moment i
have a master/mediator trigger program that call one o more program
(reading a file where i have strored the programs to call) that receive this
two parameters
DbFil Like( StdNam )
DbLib Like( StdNam )
DbMbr Like( StdNam )
DbTrgAct Like( StdChr )
DbTrgTim Like( StdChr )
DbCmtLck Like( StdChr )
DbReserve1 3
DbCcsId Like( StdBin4)
DbReserve2 8
DbBfrOfs Like( StdBin4)
DbBfrLen Like( StdBin4)
DbBfrNulOf Like( StdBin4)
DbBfrNulLn Like( StdBin4)
DbAftOfs Like( StdBin4)
DbAftLen Like( StdBin4)
DbAftNulOf Like( StdBin4)
DbAftNulLn Like( StdBin4)
DbTrgBuf 1 32767A
DbTrgAry 1A OverLay( DbTrgBuf )
Dim( %Size ( DbTrgBuf ))
DbTrgAry 1 32767 Dim( 32767 )
DbTrgLen S Like( StdBin4 )
Any idea or suggestion ? (P.S. i'm running on V7R2)
Thanks in advance
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