Guilty as charged! Yes, I wrote a handler to support all RLA opcodes a
few years ago. The reason for doing it was that FIELDPROCs on key fields
were processed differently in RPG vs SQL.
It supported all the opcodes, and I managed to get almost everything to
report back errors and status codes the same as native RPG - maybe 1
exception, IIRC. I never did deal with CCSIDs, although the OA data
structure includes that information.
I'm not sure where it is going - the company I write it for was
acquired, and I heard there was some combination of operations that had
an error - thought I got all the 2-ops combos done - all 70+ of them, as
I recall.
I'm still not seeing OA as a way to do CRUD - maybe I'm missing
something, but it's the same as others have said, you're still writing
code using standard RPG opcodes. Now that we can pass opened files to
procedures, that might offer some direction that is useful.
Someone had a generic file handler in the 90s - I saw it at RJS
Software, I think it was free. It used a program-described file, IIRC,
that was basically declared at maximum record length and divvied it up
according to the file field layout that was retrieved. It could not
handle NULLs, because program-described doesn't do that. I was thinking
about going to the C record-level functions instead - never did that,
On 6/27/2022 7:06 PM, Nathan Andelin wrote:
So far I haven't found an
example where I can see how to use them for SQL CRUD operations.
Are you considering writing an ROA handler that intercepts the RPG RLA
operation codes and then dynamically runs SQL equivalents under the covers?
I seem to recall someone on this list doing that some years ago. I seem to
recall some company sponsoring the project to support a security product
they were offering. Maybe Vern Hamberg?
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