Hello Raul,
Am 18.08.2022 um 03:10 schrieb Raul Alberto Jager Weiler <raul.jager@xxxxxxxxx>:
The choise of the wrong tool is why the GUI will not be better than the green screen.
I can't see a connection here. You can use bad tools to create good things, but good tools aren't a guarantee for good things being created, also.
And, do you realize that you admit that there might be a problem with (the lack of) good web UI tools while the 5250 tools seem to be at least sufficient to create a reasonably good UI?
An extra server is a usual source of problemas, plus it is slower.
I strongly disagree. A properly done extra Server relieves the database from being hammered with SQL queries by caching frequenly re-used data. Too much SQL hammering leads to funny locking issues and poor performance despite the server's CPU being mostly idle. Been there, done that.
Using RPG with a service program to read the data and merge the results with the HTML gives the same easy to build, fast, reliable programing environment.
And won't scale well.
PHP is slower, and to make it safe requieres a lot of cleaning the input.
PHP might be slower but the abundance of incredibly cheap CPU cycles in the Linux world compensates for that. I hate myself for this statement already. ;-)
Checking your input is mandatory. The world would be much less affected by bugs when programmers would adhere to this simple rule: Check your input!
Of course it's perfectly valid to shift this checking from the programmer to the HLL, or framework, or whatever, doing this automatically. But this doesn't mean it's not there.
Plus, the html is mixed with the logic.
This is easily corrected with proper modularization of the code.
You're more or less talking and comparing your specific product of choice with generic PHP programming. I think this is a comparison of Apples with Bananas.
:wq! PoC
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